open | closed | under co. | accepting
Fate Apartment − they say.. that this apartment has a miracle. A miracle that can find a partner for a lonely person who is in need of love, sweetness and caring.. A miracle that can make a person happy.. A miracle that can cure a person's broken heart.. They say, "give up! it's just a waste of time no one will love you.." Yes. Love maybe cruel sometimes. But, why don't you try to find your partner here in this apartment..in your own ways? Try to find him/her here. Maybe it's time.
Take the risk, and don't let your conscience ruin your life. Find your love before it's too late.
Take the risk, and don't let your conscience ruin your life. Find your love before it's too late.
01/31/15: Opening of Fate Apartment | officially accepting peeps
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