You have three options here. 1) You were kidnapped and are to be sold. 2) You work here at the facility, as a guard, cook or punisher for example. 3) You heard of this secret little party by word-of-mouth - which means you must be rich as f**k - and came to check the market.
« Dear customer! Welcome to Island X. Nice place, right? It's not even on the maps. *laughs* No radio here, no wavelengths to be caught. No mobile network either though, sorry about that. But you gotta play it safe these days.... *awkward silence* SO! Has anything caught your eye yet? I'll give you a special price~ *winkwonk*
« Welcome. Now now, don't look at me like that... sh*t happens in life and I need to finance my new mansion somehow, right? You've been kidnapped. I'm going to sell your to some nasty old fart with butthair. Sounds nice, right? Don't worry, most of you guys don't live long anyway. You have nooo idea how many cult members I have, who practice human sacrifing... f**ked up sh*t, right there ey? They smell too. *shudders*
« Hey, you. You with the whip over there, whatever the f**k your name is again... that sonofa in cell 302 has been crying all night again. My merchandise can't sleep. They look like f**king sh*t. Gag him or get rid of him, I don't care. Do something to make the b**ch shut up.
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