about us
what does cloud nine mean to you? is it that feeling of extreme happiness or euphoria. a feeling like you're floating on air. is it a natural or unnatural high. or that feeling like you're in love. it can have different definitions to each person, but they all mean the same thing; happiness. don't we all want that? that feeling that people like you. in a platonic way. it doesn't have to be all romance, maybe you just want to have a friend. that friend that makes you smile and sometimes even cry. you don't need millions of them, just one is enough. but if you're also looking for a non-platonic friend. someone who will love you, make you feel special. yes, we all want that. and here at cloud nine we don't force you to fall inlove, but we help you to meet many other amazing individuals. when you've been matched with someone you don't neccessarily have to fall inlove. like i said you can have that one friend you see in a platonic way. give us a chance and we will try not to disappoint you.
:: this is a nonau rp meaning that all of us are idols and you're supposed to know your band members, if not label mates as well.
:: one character per soul for now.
:: straight, yuri, are allowed but if you're going to be biual give both genders a chance.
:: don't be biased to the people you only know. get to know other people. be biased to their personality. a cute face will not take you anywhere, trust me.
:: don't ignorde people, unless you state this as rule in your profile that they didn't follow.
:: ic drama is allowed, as long as you consent. but keep it to a minimum.
:: absolutely no ooc drama. i will not hesitate to kick both of you out. i don't need to hear any excuses because you should have thought twice before starting it.
:: no excessive use of emoticons or text talk. keep those on your walls.
:: you must have a dp within 24 hours of acceptance.
:: ting only on your walls and pm.
:: no violence, , bullying, killing.
:: detailed 1st and 3rd pov are welcomed.
:: pregnancies and marriages are not allowed.
:: one warning for inactivity, otherwise goodbye
:: inactivity timer is setup to 10 days.
:: one character per soul for now.
:: straight, yuri, are allowed but if you're going to be biual give both genders a chance.
:: don't be biased to the people you only know. get to know other people. be biased to their personality. a cute face will not take you anywhere, trust me.
:: don't ignorde people, unless you state this as rule in your profile that they didn't follow.
:: ic drama is allowed, as long as you consent. but keep it to a minimum.
:: absolutely no ooc drama. i will not hesitate to kick both of you out. i don't need to hear any excuses because you should have thought twice before starting it.
:: no excessive use of emoticons or text talk. keep those on your walls.
:: you must have a dp within 24 hours of acceptance.
:: ting only on your walls and pm.
:: no violence, , bullying, killing.
:: detailed 1st and 3rd pov are welcomed.
:: pregnancies and marriages are not allowed.
:: one warning for inactivity, otherwise goodbye
:: inactivity timer is setup to 10 days.
make sure you've favorited the thread or your application will get ignored.
full name
we are finally open and running. probably looking for admins who are from different timezones.
![ADMIN NAME. eanuuRq.png](http://cdnstatic.visualizeus.com/thumbs/66/97/photo,beauty,clouds,red-6697817e4426d29b6c4e2819b275af03_h.jpg)
![ADMIN NAME. eanuuRq.png](http://cdnstatic.visualizeus.com/thumbs/66/97/photo,beauty,clouds,red-6697817e4426d29b6c4e2819b275af03_h.jpg)
![ADMIN NAME. eanuuRq.png](http://cdnstatic.visualizeus.com/thumbs/66/97/photo,beauty,clouds,red-6697817e4426d29b6c4e2819b275af03_h.jpg)
![ADMIN NAME. eanuuRq.png](http://cdnstatic.visualizeus.com/thumbs/66/97/photo,beauty,clouds,red-6697817e4426d29b6c4e2819b275af03_h.jpg)
![ADMIN NAME. eanuuRq.png](http://cdnstatic.visualizeus.com/thumbs/66/97/photo,beauty,clouds,red-6697817e4426d29b6c4e2819b275af03_h.jpg)
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