Clash of Love Academy Enroll now!!! Are you a fighter when it comes to love...? Then this is the school where you belong...
CLash of Love Academy is the perfect place to find your soulmate your other half..
but just when you thought you did everything and you were about to have your happy ending SOMEBODY will come and destroy the relationship that you've made..
Are you willing to FIGHT? for your one and only love or GIVE UP and let the love of your life be stolen away from you..
This is the Academy wherein the SURVIVOR wins and the WEAK ones loses..
Come and build your own clan of love story...
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01. Sumo legimus eos in, quo nostro nonumes te. Vel at platonem adolescens, vis no tractatos efficiendi.
02. Ea vim euismod iracundia. Harum sensibus quaerendum nec ne, his malis indoctum explicari an, legendos delicata contentiones id sit.
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06. Id saperet blandit sea. Ea suas vide labore mel, ne alii aliquando definiebas ius.
07. cu utinam nemore habemus, vim no enim erroribus.
08. At usu habemus indoctum intellegebat, mel recteque voluptatum ne.
09. shft+entr to add more rules.
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