Don't forget to favorite the roleplay, upvoting is optional but it is really appreciated.
OOC drama is strictly prohibited but ic drama is allowed with the agreement of both parties.
a maximum of 5 characters per person. 1st character is free, 2nd requires a blog post, 3rd requires the first and second to have 150 points each plus an upvote, 4th requires 500 points on the first three characters, and 5th requires 1k points on each of the previous characters.
reservation will last for 24 hours to avoid character hogging. inactivity will be set to one week because i want this rp to be active, you'll be given two chances. a total of 50 points must be obtain within 24 hours of joining. 2 characters are allowed from the same group is the group consists of more than 5 members. Password: favorite food
please keep in mind that fachasing, godmoding, usershading is strictly prohibited. if caught doing so, you'll ge warned, however if you still are doing it and get caught doing so you'll be removed immediately. no ualising minors, everybody is to treated equally.
eventhough some of the rooms are labeled as rated, please do keep it to a minimum. When feeling uncomfortable, please do not be afraid to speak out.
dating ban is set to a week. please keep in mind to talk to everybody. move in couples are welcomed and please state it in your application if you are a move in couple.
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