001 // Favoriting the rp is a must, upvoting is optional but highly appreciated. Mandatory for a second character. 002 // Check the masterlist to see if your muse is taken, if they are free comment the full name of your character below. 003 // There is a limit to 3 characters, you get your first one free your second after upvoting and your third after reaching 150 posts with both your first and second character. 004 // The inactive limit is set to 12 days, that gives you a little over a week to be active, if you fall inactive you will be given a warning of 24 hours to remove the sign. If not removed you will be kicked from the rp. If it happens three times in a row then you will be kicked without warning the third time. 005 // This is a medieval au, so please keep that in mind when joining the rp and creating your character. The good words is "All hail the king" 006 // All orientations, nationalities, and pivs are welcome here. 007 // In character drama is fine and dandy as long as all parties involve consent to it. Ooc drama on the other hand is not okay and will not be tolerated here 008 // Please use the rooms they were made for a reason. 009 // pm an admin if you are leaving or going on a hiatus. Do not leave a comment below. 010 // Look in the rules for the app and more info!
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