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Admin(s)wafle_rp and sleepyotaku
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Welcome to W.A.F.L.E. RP.

Thee only happy place to be a ninja~ :3

An unknown creator made this wonderful establishment as a haven from outsiders who don't understand our awesomeness. Thee re-establishers Kai and Chanyeol found this old rotting mansion and this government credit card with an unlimited number of cash in a business man's pocket in the bathroom with a woman on top of him making.... "cheese". They both studied in the art of Ninjatology and opened a school for unacceptedly gifted people. Their first student was Fart Boy, who they found making heart shaped farts to impress girls at the park whoranawayduetosmellyrandomness.. and his sister Maria who can manipulate the fat of herself and her opponents. They both ended up becoming villians and "tragically" died.

Now after the heartbreaking loss of their first two students, they trudged on to be better mentors and help anyone in need.


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