Snowcreek academy, where humans and hybrids live, learn and play together. Only special humans and carefully selected hybrids are allowed. Will you pass the enrollment process?
Hi there and welcome to SnowCreek Academy! I'm glad you've taken interest our fine institute and I wish you the best of luck towards being accepted! If you could kindly do so, I need all hybrids to the right and all humans to the left. Again, good luck!
Application Forms: The password is in the rules!
*Human Application Form*
Character: {Full name}
ual Orientation: {Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Biual, gottatrythemall}
Age: {Must be 18 or over}
Class: {Delinquent, Normal, Scholarship}
Would you like a dorm?: (You must use it if yes, or it'll be taken away after three days.)
*Normal Hybrid Application Form*
Character: {Full name}
ual Orientation: {Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Biual, gottatrythemall}
Age: {Must be 18 or over}
Choose Animal: {Cat, dog, other non-exotic animal}
Choose Type: {Tame or Unruly}
Message to Humans to provoke adoption: {Can be one sentence or a paragraph. This will help traffic humans towards wanting to adopt you, so make it nice.}
*Exotic Hybrid Application Form*
Character: {Full name}
ual Orientation: {Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Biual, gottatrythemall}
Age: {Must be 18 or over}
Choose Animal: {Mythical creatures/animals are NOT allowed. E.g; Unicorn, dragon, mermaid, fairy, etc;.}
Price Tag: {Not too high or low}
Choose Type: {Tame or Unruly}
Message to Humans to provoke adoption: {Can be one sentence or a paragraph. This will help traffic humans towards wanting to adopt you, so make it nice.}
Exotics are now always being accepted, but you will still be unable to be the same type as an already existing one.
Exotics are also animal exclusive; so no doubles. Please check to see if your desired animal is already taken. I apologize for not making this clear.
Animals unavailable: Arctic Fox, Clouded Leopard, Caracal, Golden Tiger, Silver Fox, Puma, Sand Cat, Iberian Lynx, Red Marbled Fox, White Tiger
Roleplay is still in the works.
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