Status: Open - Accepting Roleplayers - Hiring Co authors - closed - Revamping
Main Author►
so this is how it works: when you apply for a character and get accepted you have to matchmaking room and comment saying your looking for a WGM partner! Do the partner missions and see at the end weither or not you feel any feelings toward each other. If you do then please state you are a couple~ (and start doing the couple missions) and if you don't please tell me , so I can find someone for the two of you^^
You are allowed to date, get married, and have kids and make your own family! but no rated stuff in any other rooms other than your couple house!!
Marriage happens in the wedding hall or the church! so please make reservations before hand first come first serve!
We currently need more roleplayers so please join our role playing family^^
Application form:
IDOL name:
Finally please apply~ and enjoy~ XOXO
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