We scoured RoleplayRepublic asking admins from some of the most popular and active roleplays how it is they keep their roleplay fresh and active, and compiled our finding here. Think of it like a roleplay How To's manual right at your fingertips! Not only that we have, on staff advisors who are willing to answer questions, share their experiences in admining and bounce ideas off of to help your roleplay get bigger and better!
In addition we also included an idea shop. Is your roleplay missing the certain something to make it jump out people? Or do you just want to build a roleplay but have nowhere to start? Yeah, we can even help with that!
We also have a corner just for roleplayers, offering ways to help them stay active. A roleplay is only as active and exciting as its members! Here you can exchange ideas, share roleplays and make new friends. So welcome to One-Shot Roleplay Network! Feel free to use our resources, make friends and get advice!
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January 7, 2014 -- Valium
None at the moment.
©Copyright 2014 Valium | One-Shot Roleplay Network. All Rights Reserved.
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