founded by : unavailable
established in: 1945
number of patients: 20
number of caretaker: 17
newest victimmember: hansol
- new updates -
( ??/02/14 ) - the roleplay is officially open!
( 08/02/14 ) - first two roleplayers join! welcome to jaehyung and yunyoung!
( 09/0214 ) - 15 new roleplayers have joined!
( 09/0213 ) - ?????
The number rule of society is: If it's broken, get rid of it. It doesn't apply just to machines, toys, clothing, etc. It applies to people too. When people start to rust and malfunction, they get put into special places; a supposed safe haven of peace and happiness so they can get fixed and become normal again. Sometimes, these malfunctions start as young as 12, like our youngest patient here, or even as late as 24, our current, oldest patient. Either way, they get carted off when they become too much too handle so they don't bring harm to themselves or others. But on the inside, it's not so hunky-dory; at least not to the patients. As far as they're concerned, they're completely normal and have been locked away for some strange reason they can't even fathom. Too bad for them, it's unlikely they'll ever leave. Or even see their families again. So, what begs the question is.. Why are you here?
coded and created by admin Luhan(thatchick)
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