The Vampire Chronicles RP [under construction & hiring co-admin]

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The Vampire Chronicles is a series of novels by Anne Rice that revolves around the fictional character Lestat de Lioncourt, a French nobleman turned into a vampire in the 18th century.

This RP will be based in TVC's universe and rules (so yeah, you can't sparkle), but you don't have to read all of the books to be part of this rp, just read and follow the rules and guidelines

There will be four kinds of people to be accepted in the RP

1. Vampires - obviously. To know more about the properties of a vampire, click here.
2. Witches - who can also be vampires, or you know just a witch. You should be related to the Mayfairs... or not, if your backstory is cool enough.
3. Humans - Well.... ordinary humans are needed too. You could be a vampire's pet or part of The Order of Talamasca. Or you know, just a regular human like Dora, Gretchen, and others.
4. Others - there are devils like Memnoch, spirits, werewor and angels. Whatever floats your boat, really. As long as it fits with the word of the lord (Anne Rice), then you are more than welcome. 



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