
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin Krystal pretended to be asleep as her eyes were shut closed. Waiting for a few minutes, she opened her eyes again and sighed in relief to see him left already. She was a bit surprised when he mentioned her real name though but seeing him again made her heart flutter a bit. She admit that he looked really cute and his lips totally got her. 'Aish, what am I thinking?' She asked herself and curled up in a ball, hugging her knees.
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin nodded and smiled. "Thanks. I thought you'd shut me out again. Well you just did, but you let me stay a bit longer. Nice to meet you, Soojung. I meant, Krystal." He grinned and walked away, feeling a bit lighter than earlier. He went back to the clinic with a smile, not knowing why, exactly. "What is happening to me?" He asked himself. It wasn't normal to feel that way. Especially for him. It wasn't love he assured himself, he would have known by then.
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin Krystal looked away from him as he asked too many questions and quickly pulled the photo. She then placed the picture inside her pocket before looking back to the nurse and tried to read him or atleast his eyes. Is he going to open up to him? Like she hated him from now but then she's gonna lose nothing if she tell him about herself. "I don't know anything about her, we've got seperated from one another when we're still kids. And I guess she's successful right now. A complete opposite of me." She muttered bitterly and went back to her bed. "Now go away, I need to rest."
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin grew even more interested at how weak the girl looked. "Does she know you're a bad girl? Or better yet, is she a bad girl just like you? Does it run in the family? But she looks so angelic!" The grin on Jin's face slowly faded away. He apologized and gave her the photo. "So..mind telling me all about y-- I mean her? Not that I'm interested in you or anything.. She's just pretty.." He still tried to look arrogant but his face said otherwise. He displayed a much more caring aura unlike before.
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin Krystal glared at the man infront of her and tried to reach out for the picture but failed. "Why do you care?! Just give it to me!" She yelled in frustration and extended her arm more even though her bruises hurt but the man is too hard-headed and just don't wanna give what she wanted. Giving up with a sigh, Krystal grew exhausted and just told him that it was her older sister, maybe in that way he'll give the photo to her already. "Now give it to me."
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Curious as to how the girl was acting, he hid it from her view. "Why should I? Why is it important?" He , wanting to have a little fun. He looked at the photo again and smiled teasingly, "Beautiful~" He chuckled but he wasn't lying. The woman on the picture was fair and beautiful. "Who is this?" He asked pointing to the picture. He was confident enough to mock her since she was locked in bars. "Tell me, princess.. Who is she?"
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin Krystal sighed as she placed her both legs carefully to the bed and lay down on tje bed comfortably, not really sure what should she do next. She reached put for her pocket and noticed that the photo isn't there anymore. Panicking a bit, Krystal tried to look for it, turning her head from side to side before going off the bed to look under it. The female bit her lip as she can't find it and heard few loud screams from the other inmates. She felt someone's presence again and turned her head to see the male outside the cell, him. Krystal slowly stood up and her gaze dropped at the material trapped inside his hand and noticed that it's the photo she's looking for. The stubborn female stuck her hand out of the cell with expressionless face as she looked at the nurse, "Hand it over."
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin stood up an went to the previous room they were in, the scent of the girl still trapped in it. He took all the supplies he used and turned around to walk out when he caught a glimpse of a picture on the floor. He looked at it and walked out for a moment to set the supplies onto their rightful places. He went back and picked up the picture. It was a picture of a girl, smiling to the point that her eyes disappeared into thin lines. He didn't know who it was but he knew who it came from and he decided to give it back. The nurse went to the cells, unfazed by the taunts and screams from the caged people on the other side of the bars. He saw the familiar face and went close. He stood in front of the other's cell and stared at her.
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin Krystal watched as her hands were cuffed back again and she was placed in the different cell, away from the previous one that was full of prisoners that's apparently against her right after the fight. The female sat up on her bed and hissed slightly in pain when the other leg hit the bruised one. She rubbed her thumb lightly against the injured part and suddenly thought about the male nurse. It's the first time that's a guy had actually argued with her over things. Most of the boys usually step back or ignore her but he's different. Krystal hated his guts indeed, but there's something about him that she wants to know more and she cursed herself mentally for thinking about him.
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin sat back and watched the girl as she was taken away back to her cell. He pressed both of his index fingers against each other, a grin plastered on his face. "You're a rare catch, lady.. A rare catch, indeed.." He chuckled a bit and checked the record for her name, only to find out that her real name was Jung Soojung but she goes by the name Krystal. "Krystal, huh? What an interesting name.. It fits such an interesting girl like her.." He grinned wickedly and planned their next possible meeting.
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin Krystal let out another soft chuckle and rested her back to the door, "You're overthinking about me checking you out, you don't interest me sir." The female said in a-matter-of-fact tone. Her hands then reached for the nurse's chest and pushed him back a bit, tilting her head. "Just gonna repeat what I just said, I'm not gonna ask help from a person like you, not a single bit." She said, giving him a huge grin and finally opened the door, seeing the police officer that's been guarding outside the whole time and stuck her hand out.
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin was entertained by how the girl's sharp tongue lingered and her dark and heavy eyes stared at him. "Really now?" He sat in his chair and leaned back comfortably. "Technically, if you looked at me when you felt someone staring right at you, that means you checked out how I looked like, so you were actually checking me out. No need to deny it, hon." He scoffed and pretended to be hurt. "How dare you? Well, not really, I'm used to your kind of girl. They don't usually keep their words. I wonder if you would?" He leaned closer to her and grinned once more. "Just call me when you need me. I can do everything you want. But I still have my judgement over that request, if ever."
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin Krystal laughed sarcastically when he said she actually knew how to talk, she was about to hold the door knob but then the male nurse started talking things again that made her turn around. "I stared back at you because I felt like someone's already boring holes on my body, and excuse me, I don't lool at you as if I'm checking your face out." She answered back and tilted her head, "I guess I'll just to be here and get no help from someone especially from you."
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin nodded at her words not really fazed by them. "So you actually know how to talk. I thought you have some sort of speech defect." He stared at her as she walked to the door. "So, why do you know I've had ed stares on you? That must mean you're staring at me as well to know that I am doing such a thing. Now why were you staring, huh? To deny this also means you're lying and I wasn't staring." He smiled at nothing in particular, enjoying teasing the latter. "Who knows, you might thank me one day. I could be the reason you'll get out of this place."
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin Krystal scoffed loudly and crossed her arms, "Are you saying that I'm gonna return here? Pft." She laughed sarcastically and shook her head slowly. "I've already noticed your ed stares from the very beginning. God, you're disgusting." She blurted out, trying to hit the male with her words. This is the reason why she should just keep shut but there's no way this man's not getting any. "I'm going to leave, and if you'll just be the one who'll always accompany me then I'll be a good girl not to be involved with a fight again." She added and rolled her eyes before slowly making her way to the door.
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin grinned at her and shook his head. "I'm afraid that isn't allowed at all. All the clinical supplies are to be kept within the walls of the clinic. So if you want your bruises to be healed, you need to come for me.." He turned around and turned back to the girl, shaking his head. "I meant come look for me.." He smirked at her and chuckled. "You'll have to go by here everyday for the whole week to get your bruises healed. And after that, you can start another fight and come back here.." He grinned menacingly at her, not really afraid of what could happen.
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin As soon as the female heard that she could put her clothes on already, Krystal wuickly picked up her pants and shirt from the side of the bed then dressed up. She stuck her hand out infront of the male nurse and looked up at him, "Can I have the ointment?" She asked with a low voice but loud enough for him to hear, "I guess I should continuously apply it to my bruise so it will heal fast." Krystal added and waited for him to put the tub on her bare hands, standing up from the bed, ready to go.
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin looked up and apologized, "I'm sorry.. I'm just trying to see how severe it is. As I see it, it could possibly take almost a month for it to be fully healed. But the bruise will disappear by the third week." He applied the ointment and fixed her underwear. "There.. Don't be shy.. You don't have anything to be shy about.." He said, trying to calm her yet in a way. "But be careful, or else you'll have even more to worry than just losing a fight next time.." He said standing up. "Put your clothes back on and you can go.. Unless, as I've said, you could stay and probably ask me anything.. Anything at all.." He winked at her and smiled before walking out of the small room.
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin The female didn't answer his question of knowing her name and just looked away. She could just record it herself anyways, or maybe an officer will tell him her name. Krystal tried to relax but her core is already exposed that made her very comfortable, she just hoped and prayed that he will not do anything more to her. She then reached for the nurse's hand and winced in pain as he touched her bruise, signalling for him to stop pressing the bruise to much.
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin chuckled and nodded, "Obedient girl.. I like you.. What's your name? Just so, you know, I could record it later.." He said, still with that intimidating smile of his. He lifted the fabric slightly and saw the bruise was bigger than he expected. "I knew I had to get in your pants.. Well not in that sense but I guess you know what I mean.." He touched it and asked her. "Do you feel anything? Does it hurt when I do this?" He pressed slightly on it to see how the girl would react. He wanted to know how severe it was. If it would be ignored, it could cause her a lot of troubles and would involve her reproductive system. He suddenly lost the urge to , seeing the possible complications she would have to face once the bruise wasn't taken care of properly.
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin Krystal's mouth was agape at his words and her hands remained on top of her , covering the fabric and tried to move away from him. How can they get a ed nurse here in their clinic? As far as she's concerned, she knew that nurses are supposed to be gentle or caring, showing some affection but what kind of nurse is this man. "...Be cooperative.. Unless you want to stay here longer,I don't really mind." she heard him say and scoffed lowly. If she'll just do the things he's asking for, the medication will end she could leave. He hands then left inbetween her legs and spread it wider in front of him, biting her lower lip in embarrassment.
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin raised a brow with amusement and sat in front of the girl. "Can I move your underwear? I can't quite see the wound, I wouldn't know if I've healed enough or just a part of it. I promise I'll try and behave.." He said with a devilishly intimidating smile. The girl would be minutes away from leaving the room but he wanted to have a little more time to have fun with her. "And please open your legs a bit wider and relax. I'm not going to stick my in you, if that's what you're thinking. Not that I wouldn't think about it." He winked teasingly and chuckled. "Come on.. Be cooperative.. Unless you want to stay here longer, I don't really mind.."
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin Krystal let out a deep sigh while closing her eyes to restrict her temper. What is this? His iness is reaching far and the female gulped hard, hesitating of what to do or what to say. She never showed her body to anyone before, but she'll suffer if she won't let him cure her bruises on her groin. "Ugh fine.." she blurted out and mentally cursed at herself when she said it loud enough for him to hear. Krystal tugged onto her pants' waistband and slowly pulled it down to her ankle, quickly squeezing her thighs together as soon as her black undies got revealed.
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin was appalled by the number of cuts and bruises one could get in just one day, especially this girl. She had that innocent look on her face but her attitude said otherwise. "So.. are we just going to stay quiet? Aren't you going to say anything? And you know, I bet you have a bruise somewhere down there.." He said teasingly his lips. "Yeah, I saw how you walked.. You were trying hard to hide it but you winced with every step and movement.. I'm not just somebody who treats wounds.. I examine people for their reactions on their wounds, as well.. But what am I blabbering about? You're not even listening.." He said and sighed, applying bandage to the supposedly last bruise the girl had. "So.. are you going to show me your other bruise or are you just going to keep it hidden until it gets worse? I'm just trying to help here, miss." He said, smiling at her gently.
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin Krystal just threw him a glare when he just noticed that he was pressing the cotton hard against her cut. She then turned her body so her back's facing him, showing scratched that she received from the to the nurse. She's hiding one more bruise on her groin though, but there's no way she's gonna remove her pants for him and spread her legs. Krystal felt awkward and annoyed by the male's presence, casually ignoring the glances he's stealing towards her cleavage and controlled herself from kicking his face off.
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin's ears perked up at the woman's voice. 'Did I just hear her moan or am I just fantasizing about her in broad daylight?' He asked, not knowing what was happening and keeps the alcohol-drenched cotton ball on one of her wounds. She was thrashing a bit and he somehow enjoyed it but he looked at his hand and was surprised. He immediately removed his hand and the cotton ball. "It's all clean.." He played off, trying to sound, oh, so natural. Right. "Now.. are there any other places you've got cuts on?"
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin 'It better not stay long.' Krystal mentally responded again, keeping shut. She let out a long sigh when he left to get the materials he need for medications. The female somewhat felt awkward being almost though she still got her undergarment and pants on. She then bit her lip whenever the cotton balls drenched with alcohol touch her cuts that sting badly. "Ah~" she winced in pain as long as the cotton ball got pressed onto her cut hard.
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin looked at the girl with a bit of pity. He was not one to erse over a simple thing like a man or woman. Them touching him, now that says 'it's on'. He got all of what he needed, alcohol, cotton balls, bandages and a bit of ointment for the bruises. "Don't worry.. This won't take long.." He said, carefully cleaning the wounds she had. They weren't any major problem but leaving them alone might make it bigger. "Just tell me if it hurts.." He said, careful not stare at the woman's s for long or else he could take longer than he promised. But he couldn't take his eyes off of them. Technically, her skin is touching his and he doesn't get unless there was contact between him and the person.
[P] Krystal 10 years ago
@Jin 'No one asked for your opinion..' Krystal thought and looked up at the male nurse before ing her shirt up with only her bra on. Few of her bruises were showed and she rolled her eyes in disbelief with the nurse's guts. Krystal then reached up to her hair and tied it to a ponytail, how she wish she could scream to his face to just make it quick and let her go back to her prison cell.
Jin 10 years ago
@[P] Krystal Jin sighed, "Finally something to do.." He walked in the room and saw a girl with a couple of bruises. "Are you sure you need medication? The other woman seemed to need it more.. But who am I to judge?" He examined the girl and it seemed that every part of her body had cuts and bruises. "Looks like you're a fighter, huh? You don't mind taking off your clothes right?" He asked, a wide yet teasing smile on his face.


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Mr_Invisible 10 years ago
Jin left, sorry.
MaanJung 10 years ago
Lee Dasom has left because of inactivity
boxedexo 10 years ago
Add request for Hyuna please?
MaanJung 10 years ago
Applied as Lee Dasom
MaanJung 10 years ago
Can you add Lee Dasom Ulzzang for me?
ice_princess 10 years ago
applied as Jessica
Mr_Invisible 10 years ago
Applied as Jin ;)
cantfightthisfeeling 10 years ago
applied as kai
cantfightthisfeeling 10 years ago
reserve kai for me:)
hyxmin 10 years ago
Reserve Mark for me please
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