Kris&Kiseop | 12/18/12 |
welcome to the loveleh room. do not spam, do not make a mess, follow le rules. oh and do not disturb/interrupt/ our ytime or kris will chop your off eue. um yeah. more to be added later?
- installed ballet barre for Kiseop ~ -
moving the proposal here
To Kiseop :
I told you I would make a special confession to you and here is it. Thank you for being patient with me... Okay so...WARNING : A BIT CHEESY. I couldn't help myself -w-
Today marks our second monthversary together. Did I ever picture us being together for this long in the beginning? No I didn't. I can't believe how much you have changed me, you changed my old ways. I may not be the most expressive when it comes to pouring out my feelings out to the world, but you made me want to shout to everyone, you make me want to tell the whole universe, "LEE KISEOP IS MINE AND I LOVE HIM."
You asked me twice, "Why did you pick me? Why choose me?" Something told me you were the one and if I didn't have you, I would probably never have the change to be with you again. I would never have been able to experience everything we did. It was only two months, but it really did feel like forever with me, it felt like we've been together for years.
I could go on and on about how amazing you are and how much you are to me but I would never get to the main reason why I am writing this for you. You mean everything to me, I love you and I can't picture myself with anyone else except for you. I am infinitely positive you are the one I want to spend eternities with forever.
I love you Kiseop, Will You Marry Me?