- Village of the Elves

The village of the elves - don't disturb them too much, or impose yourself upon them.
Welcome: The elves live in their own tight knit village where they peacefully reside. They are calm but once angered do have quite a temper and hold grudges--they can be your best allies as they are good with weapons, but they can be your worse enemies too. They get along best with Fairies as the Council Heads for both creatures are siblings.


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choiyoungjae 10 years ago
Jieun has to leave. I'm so sorry, but since it's the end of the school year, testing is coming up soon and I know it'll become hard for me to rp at the same time. ;;
whatthefuk 10 years ago
luhan is leaving, sorry
Kpopmew 10 years ago
Suzy is going on a 1-2 week hiatus because school is mean >_>
I will definitely be back though, so wait for me! :)
DamnBaekhyun 10 years ago
Baekhyun left. Sorry.
Kpopmew 10 years ago
Finally got my application in :) Thanks for putting up with all my questions.
vibeprincess 10 years ago
applied as jessica!
DamnBaekhyun 10 years ago
Applied as Baekhyun
50ShadesOfPink 10 years ago
I'll just make my character part pixie
sprezzatura 10 years ago
can you pelase add harry styles?
choiyoungjae 10 years ago
Can you add soloist Lee Jieun (IU)?
+ When applying for a character position (Tinkerbell, Hook etc etc) do they have to be the exact creature like they are in the story?
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