@baekhyun You have a point.....
Maybe they think that because this RP was a lot of fun,
they thought,
"It would be such a loss if we deleted this."
They should have just deacted ._.
@sunhwa /laughs and pats your head.
Yeah... the admin maybe busy or just quit rp-ing...
But the queation is, why didn't he/she just delete this if that was the case...?
@sunhwa Well, we can... but if someone wants to apply, no one will accept them.. and we'll stick on being at the same amount of people who uses this...
@baekhyun Nice to hear~
You know, this place is now real silent....
I think we need a co-admin to bring this back to life...
Like wintersnow...
im sorry, but qris leaving
:c its been a while. a really
long while. no ones here anymore
and i stayed only for the sake
of memories. but now its time
to move on /insert dramatic
music/. ill miss this place. i
really will /sad smile/