↺Position Room

Positions', please chose wisely. 


  This is a spot for only a handful of Junhyung's close friends or family. Keepers rule over everyone but Junhyung. They have the right to own a Keeper, Master, Maid, Slave or Junhyun's Slave. But like everyone else they must buy a form of housing before they can do so. 

Open Keepers. 
-Kevin, Mark, Junhyung's half brother (mother side) 

-Kwkwang, Junhyung half brother (father side) 

-Jun, (more can be added) Junhyung's full brother 

-Junhyung's childhood best friend 

(Note: If you are planning on applying as one of these, read Junhyung bio. Try to match yours a little. Okay.)


  Masters' are the rule of the house, the can be mean a brutle. They may punish the maids and slaves. But some of them can be loving and nice. Master have the right to own a master, maid, slave or Junhyung's personal slave. The must buy some form of housing before they are allow to do so. 


  Maids clean and cook for the Keepers and Masters, they also doctor the anyone that may need it. Most of them where abducted or sold to the house but a handful came on their own. Junhyung's personal maids are the only ones allowed to clean, cook or doctor him. All maid are allowed to own a Maid, Slave or Junhyung's personal slave. 

Junhyung's personal maids: 

- Taken by Mir, Maid one (A Maid he's had a while, will have a close relationship with him) 

-Maid two- Taken by D.o

-Maid three- Jin

-Maid four

-Maid five

Yongguk's persoanl maids (note with this, Guk is an , hes doesn't care much about anyone other then Youngjae.): 
- Maid one. 
-Maid two 


  Slaves are abducted or bought in the slave triad, each is hand picked by Junhyung to be brought into the house. They are allowed to own a maid, slave or one of Junhyung personal slaves. But they must buy a dorm room first. Once the slave is bought the person that buys them does NOT own their maid or slave as well. When slaves are first brought into the house they sleep in a cell, chained at the ankle to their bed not allowed to leave. Slave can buy the key to their ankle cuff and then will be allowed to move about the house. 


Junhyung's personal slaves. 
  These slaves belong to Junhyung until bough from him, these are his favorite of all the slaves. They sleep in Junhyung's room, each has their own bed and will be chained to it until he feels like playing with them. It is possible to buy one of them but they cost the most out of everyone in the house. Everyone is allowed to touch them but if you leave marks Junhyung will leave marks on you, and not in pleasing way. 

All Personal slaves of Junhyung CLOSED! 

- Taken by N, Slave one (His slave hes had the longest, if applying you must 3rd. and please please please make them have something wrong with them, its not a must but a want.  I will not accept 1st povers only for this person) 
-Taken by Ricky, slave 2 (The same as Slave 1) 
-Taken by Yoseob , Slave 3
-Taken by Tao, slave 4 (can be new or old) 
-Taken by Suga, slave 5 (can be new or old)

(Note: If you want to join as one of these, you must 3rd pov, unless you can para 1st pov. Grammar doesn't matter to Junhyung and Guk, they mess up too. is must. They doesn't care who you are. Be Song Chanho, or Kikwang or Key. Thry really doesn't care, as long as you play them well. They're er for one that have problems like being blind or missing a limb, things like that they loves.. don't ask why. They are weird..)

Yongguk's Personal Slaves. 
-Taken by Youngjae, Slave one. 
-Open, Slave two (This is just his slave, he doesn't give a about him, he uses him for nothing but meanless ) 


Oh guys, the real password is rennie

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prfction 10 years ago
zelo left :(
454412ed62d397c53b2a 10 years ago
Since the new rp is up and I'm now a part of it, Kris is leaving
Niamyah 10 years ago
V is leaving, I'm Sorry, i didn't even get to write one post. Right when i joined stuff came up.
sujushineelover27 10 years ago
i forgot this applied as onew
kaidyo8812 10 years ago
applied as D.O
UKELELESareCOOL 10 years ago
Mark is leavening, mianhae;;
HaSemYu 10 years ago
Applied as Henry Lau :3
megaverse 10 years ago
Junho left
TheExoticSky 10 years ago
Sorry but D.O, Key and Jinyoung left
Soul_mus1c 10 years ago
Can I reserve taemin?
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