⇸Slaves Dungeons

This is where you find the slaves, chained at the foot to their bed. 

Each slave had his own room, in the cloest two changes of clothes, and a box of lube; on the table is something to read a maid will change it out everytime you are done. 


K- Junhyung [A] 10 years ago
@Ren Junhyung was upstairs working on getting new slaves and other people in when he heard Ren yelling for him, "Aish." He stood up grabbing the keys from his desk making his way down to the slave. "I'm here." He unlocked the door then his anklet, "Come on, I have work to do." He took his hand making their way back upstairs and into his office. "Sit." He patted his lap going back to his phone calls.
S- Ren [A] 10 years ago
Ren sat on his bed, his fingers grazed over the chains om his foot. "Aish." He pouted feeling the cuts, "Maid?" He called out seeing if anyone was around. He cocked his head listening to the sound of what was around him. "Hello?" He shouted again listen to his voice bounce off the things around him. "Empty.." he clicked his tongue standing up. This was a method he had learned to see what what was around him. To the left was his table with those useless books sitting on. He made his way to the front of the cell, "Junhyung!" He yelled sooner or later he knew the man would come feed him or him.


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prfction 10 years ago
zelo left :(
454412ed62d397c53b2a 10 years ago
Since the new rp is up and I'm now a part of it, Kris is leaving
Niamyah 10 years ago
V is leaving, I'm Sorry, i didn't even get to write one post. Right when i joined stuff came up.
sujushineelover27 10 years ago
i forgot this applied as onew
kaidyo8812 10 years ago
applied as D.O
UKELELESareCOOL 10 years ago
Mark is leavening, mianhae;;
HaSemYu 10 years ago
Applied as Henry Lau :3
megaverse 10 years ago
Junho left
TheExoticSky 10 years ago
Sorry but D.O, Key and Jinyoung left
Soul_mus1c 10 years ago
Can I reserve taemin?
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