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You can be one of the follow classes
Everyone must buy a house before they can buy someone.
Keepers is a spot open to only a hand full of Eli's, Junhyung, Yongguk, Ren and Brock's closet friends and family. Keepers rule over everyone except Eli, Junhyung Yongguk, Ren and Brock (with the exception of three's there personal Keepers). They have the right to own 3 people, but of course like everyone else they can buy more slots. Most Keepers are nice, but that doesn't mean all are. Some of the can be just a mean as the masters. Everyone is here to serve them, even the masters. I'd advise reading the person page before applying one of theses. You want your story to match theirs. Keepers can own a Master, Butler, Maid or Slave.
Open Keeper Positions:
Junhyung's Brother: Brother A | Brother B
Junhyung's Childhood Friend's: Friend A | Friend B
Brock's Brother: Brother A
Brock's Childhood Friend: Friend A
Yongguk's Brothers: Yongnam(his twin) taken | Brother B
Master's are the ruler of the town and mansion, they can be mean or nice it all just depends on the master. They are the punishers of the house. They will punish anyone who is bad or they can in form a Keeper about it. They have the right to own 2 person but of course they can buy a slot for another person. They can own a Maid, Butler or Slave.
All Butlers and Maid upon abduction or being sold to Elison they went through training to become a maid or butler. If they didn't comply they got harsh beatings from Elison. Whom has been known to choke out his own personal slave for simply looking at him too early in the morning. All maids and butlers would be to scared of what Elison would do to them to ever try to escape the walls. Once they have been broken in and taught how to be a butler or maid they are giving a bedroom in the house. They must share a room with someone else until they have enough money to buy their own room.
Butlers are here to server the Keepers and Masters, some of them where abducted off the streets but some where bought from other houses. Some of them did come on there own, if they came here on their own they did not receive the beating, they simply learned to be a butler. They get the Keepers and Masters whatever they want. Anything from the Slaves from the dungeon to food. Butlers are allowed to leave the house and go into town at their own will, but if they get anywhere close to the wall its death. The Masters that watch the wall have a shoot to kill order. Butlers are not required to wear a uniform but their are required to look nice, clean and well kept. They are allowed to buy 2 person. But not allowed to buy a slot for another. If they buy a slave, they are allowed to by a apartment in the town, but must still report for work everyday. Butlers can own a Maid or a Slave.
Maid's are here to clean the house, some of them where abducted off the streets but some where bought from other houses. Some of them did come on there own, if they came here on their own they did not receive the beating, they simply learned to be a maid. Each is required to wear a maid outfit of there choice. They are allowed to buy 1 person. But not allowed to buy a slot for another. Maids are allowed to leave the house and go into town at their own will, but if they get anywhere close to the wall its death. The Masters that watch the wall have a shoot to kill order. If they buy a slave, they are allowed to by a apartment in the town, but must still report for work everyday. Maids can only buy Slaves.
Slave's are abducted from off the streets or sold to the house from other people/houses. Eli, Brock, and Junhyung hand pick each slave that comes in, upon come in they are branded on their shoulder blade with a bar-code and a number under it. Each slave has its own number. They are each given a cell to live in until they can buy a dorm. Slaves will never be able to own any housing other than a dorm room. They can't buy anyone, they are at the bottom of the totem pole. Slave can not leave the house without being acompted by a Keeper, Master, Butler or Maid. They must be returned everynight unless bought. Slaves are allowed to roam around the house durning the day, but once night time hits they must go back to their cell and be chained to their bed.
Personal's are Keepers, Masters, Maids, or Slaves that already belong to Eli, Junhyung, Brock or Ren. These people have been with them for a long time. The Keepers and Masters can live on there own but the butlers, maids and slaves live with Eli, Jun, Brock or Ren. Each person has there own room in there owners house. If applying as one of these people you MUST 3rd pov and ! Also they would like it if there butler, maid or slave have a handicap (ex. Blinde, has a limp or lost a limb) Its not required but its wanted! Also read their profile before joining- We will know if you didn't.
Ren's Personal:
Keeper(0/1): Open
When apply for Keeper you do not have to be one of the people listed above in the Keeper part. You will just be Ren's Keeper its a different position. If you can't dominate Ren, do not apply as his Keeper, Ren will always submit to his Keeper.
Butler (0/2): Open
Ren would like a butler who can dominate in the bedroom, however its not required but its really really wanted. Ren would really love you if you dominated-
Maid(1/1): Jeonghan
Ren really wishes for pretty Jeonghan to be his maid- But be whoever!
Slave (0/1): Open
Elison's Personal:
Slave(1/1): Chihoon
Junhyung's Personal:
Slave (1/1): Ricky
Yongguk's Personal:
Slave (1/1): Youngjae