The city;

{to be added} +








Kim Woobin [A] 10 years ago
@Hyesung Woobin close his eyes taking a deep breath. “Yes” He says not wanting to think about the moment that man would ask him to do something he couldn’t because that would be the last day of his life. For now he would throw away all his pride and just do as he was told like a master’s dog. And just like that dog he would wait until his Master was weak and then he would bite him but until he would find that moment that would get him out of all this he would be the nice trained dog that would do what he was told.
Quietly Woobin follows the guard looking around the room he was brought to. Then he sits down on the ground in the middle of the room. He was still in a stage of shock not really getting what was going on so he closes his eyes slowly walking back in his thoughts. Soon he was back in the junky house knowing what happened next he skipped that part then the car. Yes from her on he would need to rethink about everything. First the words the other said in the car that he didn’t kill his girlfriend. Why would he say that? Woobins eyes were closed while he went back to the night of the accident. He was downtown with his girlfriend her bright laugh was filling the air. “Let’s go get some coffee.” She says pointing at a small café on the other site of the street. Without waiting for an answer she grabbed his hand pulling him towards the street waiting for the light to get green. “You know the sky always change color when you fall in love.” She says smiling at Woobin. A chuckle leaves his mouth. “Really?” He asks looking up at the sky shortly. “Woobin.” He hears her voice as he looks down seeing the light is green he hurry’s to catch up with her and then everything slowly down as he sees the car coming in. The car was getting faster people starts screaming. Woobin was able to take a look at the driver and he recognized the face it was a guy he had seen with Hyesung more than once. Not wanting to see more Woobin opens his eyes wide. He was nearly hundred percent sure about that guy so why would Hyesung deny it was him and also in a way like that.
Hyesung 10 years ago
@Kim Woobin Hyesung nodded, a smile on his face that would have looked innocent had they not known who he was. "Yes, you with me. Don't think I don't know how poor and stupid you are." he said, leaning forward and putting his elbows on his desk. "But truthfully, many of my operatives are the same, so it's not like it matters. Besides, it'd just be little things. Unless we actually need you for something. A chase..." Hyesung played with the rim of the wine glass on his desk. "A capture...a murder." Then he smiled and stood up, walking around the desk to the other.

He stood in front of Woobin with his arms behind his back, the innocent-looking smile once again on his face. "Really? That's great." he said with fake happiness before leaning over the other, one hand on the back of their chair. "If you don't do everything I say then you will lose your life." he whispered in Woobin's ear before standing back and wiping his hands together. "I'll call a guard to take you to your new dwellings." He turned around and pressed the button on his desk, calling a guard up to take Woobin to his room, directly connected to Hyesung's own for security purposes.
Kim Woobin [A] 10 years ago
@Hyesung Woobin’s eyes widened as he understood what the other was saying. “Me with you?” He asked in disbelief this could be nothing but a bad joke. How could he work with this man, he couldn’t even look at a gun without getting in panic and now this man the impersonation of guns and danger wanted his to work with him. This all was so absurd all he could do was laughing. Who in this world would come up with a crazy idea like that? “Truthful I would love to stay alive and I would love to work for my debt but how can a poor and stupid person like me work with somebody like you?” He asks voice quietly hoping the other wouldn’t hear his voice and just tell him this was a joke.

Woobin close his eyes regretting the second he decided to ask the car to give him a ride the second he even decided to run away but he had made a promise to the person he loved and he would never regret loving her or the promise he made so all he could do was: “If this is not a joke I’m in I will do everything to stay alive.” He says loud siting up straiten his back looking right in the other guys eyes. He was ready to face everything to do everything if it would guaranty his life.
Hyesung 10 years ago
@Kim Woobin Hyesung rested his head in his head as he rested his elbow on the chair's armrest, watching as Woobin seemed to understand what he was saying. Yes, they had come up with three solutions for their debt problem. One was just to kill Woobin, and another was to force him into a job he most likely wouldn't want to do to make the money. The third one though, was a much less severe (or maybe not) solution that seemed more like a punishment.

"Anything?" Hyesung asked aloud, although it was only teasing, like he was hinting on something really bad. To be honest, he didn't think that option 3 was that bad, but many others seemed to disagree. How could Woobin even do it, much less not anger Hyesung in a way that would end up with him getting shot? No one in the building knew if it would work out or not, but they all voted for it after seeing how Hyesung seemed to favor it more than the other two options. "What would you say to working here? Working for me. You can pay your debt in labor, if you'd prefer that. Not only labor but because I need to keep an eye on you," he said, pointing the empty gun (although he wouldn't say it was empty) at Woobin's head. "You will be working with me in the field."
Kim Woobin [A] 10 years ago
@Hyesung Woobin head flew up at the words. “I can say alive? Please let me life if there is a way to.” He was ready to bag for his life now but he didn’t have much he could say for his own defense. His eyes were fixed on the man in front of him. He would take this changes no matter how small it was and no matter want it would be all he wanted was to say alive to hold on to the promise he made and to not let his girlfriend died in vain. “Please I will do anything just let me stay alive.” Woobin looks up bagging with his eyes now. He felt so like about being like that but for this one time he would give up all his pride.

Woobin was still looking at the man his eyes still bagging but his mouth was thinly closed everything he would say could make the situation worse so he tried to stay quiet. His mind was circling around the word that he just heard over and over he repeated them like a mantra like a prayer a pledge for a god to exist and to save him from his dead.
Hyesung 10 years ago
@Kim Woobin Hyesung sighed silently as he looked over the other before finally opening his mouth again. He had casually blown away the comment about colors and furniture because honestly, he didn't care how his office looked. "Do you want me to kill you?" he asked as he picked up the gun from his desk and waved it around slightly before holding it still. Hyesung had to admit, he did want to know what Woobin's answer would be. Yes or no? That's all he needed to say. It still wouldn't make Hyesung stop from doing what he already decided though. "Or do you want to here our solution? The kind of solution that doesn't end with you dead."

Hyesung also had to admit that he wouldn't really mind if Woobin was dead for that matter. Or maybe he was lying to himself. He couldn't tell. Maybe she was the reason he didn't go around killing everyone willy nilly now. Especially the innocent. Either way, Hyesung came off as scary, blunt, cold, and down-right evil sometimes.
Kim Woobin [A] 10 years ago
@Hyesung Woobin could do nothing but follow the other guy even if he tried to pull away his arm he would still be surrounded by Hyesung’s man. He looks at him locking all the doors then gets pulled in the man’s office. His eyes widen as he sees the blood on the floor strangely the first thing coming to his mind was. “The color doesn’tmatch with the furniture.” After her realized he just said it out loud he looks down shocked. Woobin puts his head on the table as he gets cuffed to it. Why couldn’t the other man just kill him? He hated to wait for things and the one death was the worst thing to wait for.

Looking up at the other man Woobin softly pulls at the handcuffs but they were safe. There was no way for him out of this. “Why don’t you just kill me?”
Hyesung 10 years ago
@Kim Woobin Hyesung shrugged his shoulders like he was contemplating it before shutting the door and roughly grabbing the other by the arm and walking out of the carport and into the building. Through the hallways and up stairs he was met with the faces of the many workers in the building, ranging from the old to the young and sometimes just plain weird. Ignoring it though, he kept dragging Woobin with him towards his office, staying silent the whole way. Once they reached the second floor to the top of the tall building, he came into the hallway and locked all the doors on the floor, sealing it off from the rest in the building. No one was supposed to go to the last floor above anyways so it didn't matter if the elevators stopped below the floor they were on.

Still pulling the other with him he entered his office and noticed that the blood was still on the floor even after his two hour absence. "Yah." he spoke as he narrowed his eyes and glared, looking at the man in the doorway as he held onto Woobin's arm. "I told you to clean this up." he said, motioning towards the blood splattered on the floor. It better be done after I leave my office. If I come back tomorrow and it's still here, you know what happens next." That was enough to shut the man up as he nodded quickly and nervously before shutting the door and leaving the two men alone. Letting go of Woobin's arm, he went behind his desk and opened one of the drawers, pulling out a pair of handcuffs before grabbing Woobin by the arm again and chaining him to the edge of the desk. Now he couldn't run away unless he wanted to rip his own hand off. Hyesung moved to sit back in his chair with Woobin facing across from him and leaned back as he thought about what to do next. Keep him fearful? Or let out the proposition?
Kim Woobin [A] 10 years ago
@Hyesung Woobin had been quiet the whole drive back. What could he say to somebody that would surely kill him very soon? The word the other head whispers were hammering at the inside of his head. Why would he say he didn’t do it in a way that was supposed to be inaudible? Woobin was unsure about the word but still knew he heard then right. He looks out of the window shaking his head over and over caught in deep thoughts. What if he really didn’t kill his girlfriend what if it really just happened to be an accident. The he suddenly sit up straight. What different would this all make to his situation. Nothing. So why was he still thinking about it. He stops himself from thinking.

They arrive he looked at the many people around. Why did he always manage to get away if it had been that easy to find him in the end? He was still surprised he had been able to stay away from them for over a year. Woobin gets out as the door opens. “What now? Will you kill me?” He asks the man looking right in his eyes.
Hyesung 10 years ago
@Kim Woobin Once Woobin had gotten into the car, Hyesung brought his hand back to his side but kept pointing the gun at the other in case he made a run for it. Although it didn't seem Woobin would try to run away anytime soon, especially with the way his spoke. "Tch. You also don't know anything." he muttered so quietly he could barely hear it himself as he suppressed a growl. How long would it take for anyone to believe he hadn't done it? He told so many people it wasn't him, and yet they all still thought he shot her out of spite.

Locking the doors to the car and rolling the window back up, he turned the safety back on before throwing the firearm in the back seat and pressed on the gas hard before making a sharp u-turn in the middle of the highway, starting back for the city. He was angry, not only at himself, but everyone around. Couldn't they just ing understand anything he tried to say!? The man currently sitting beside him in the front seat didn't help with his growing outburst but he managed to house it and expel the small fit of rage into his speeding. Soon it started raining as he reentered the city and drove through the dark roads to their building. He could see a few other cars entering the carport as he made it back.

When he parked the car, he turned it off and put the key in his coat pocket as he sat there, watching as the rest of the group came back. Grabbing the microphone from the dashboard, he the speaking system on the outside of the car. "I found him. You can all stop being so tense and just get back to work." he told them and turned the system off again before unlocking his own door and getting out of the car. Immediately the rest of them disappeared as he walked to the other side of the car and unlocked Woobin's door with the key. "Get out here."
Kim Woobin [A] 10 years ago
@Hyesung Woobin had no other choice but to getting in the car. He opens the door getting inside. “I don’t have any money and you know that. Just kill me just like you killed her.” He says facing him straight on with no fear in his voice. He was ready to accept the dead he didn’t want it to happen and he would do anything to stop it from happening but right now he could only die so he was ready for that. Looking at the gun his life repeated in front of his eyes. The day he first say his Love the day he finally confessed to her and then the day she died. He had been with her till the end her last word still echoed in his ears. “You will never know the truth until you know yourself stay alive for me.” She had been whispering in his ear before she died. At first he had wondered about what she was trying to tell him then he gave up on that just excepting the fact that his girlfriend always talked like this.

Woobin looks at the weapon he was about to break his last promise with the girl he loved more than anything in this world. He was about to die early. Woobin would have bagged for his live if he would have seen just the slightest change in it but there was no way around this so he bows his head ready for the bullet with didn’t come.
Hyesung 10 years ago
@Kim Woobin "What?" Hyesung asked, his expression turning into that of an evil smirk as he quickly reached his hand out and grabbed Woobin by the collar. "Cat got your tongue?" To be honest, Hyesung found Woobin's surprised expression funny. He still remembers the first time he had seen the man on that rainy day. They were sitting together on the bench when his eyes landed on the man hurrying out of the university and trying to find a place to sit. Of course he didn't know about the man's feelings for his girlfriend, but it's not like it wouldn't have mattered when they mutually broke up just a couple weeks later. Although they maintained a sort of friendship, everything fell apart because of him. It turned out she was borrowing money from one of his underlings, who also adored him to the point where he would do anything. News of the break up came to him, and he figured that the girl had made Hyesung angry, so he killed her. Everyone still believes Hyesung himself did it although he would never do such a thing to her. He believed Woobin also thought he shot her. Pushing the bittersweet thoughts out of his head the, he pulled his gun from his side and pointed it under the man's jaw.

"I suggest you get in the car." he spoke with cold eyes and the smirk visibly gone from his face. Even if she had a debt, and it fell on her new lover's shoulders, it's not like he'd let either of them get away from it (even if she was dead). The debt she owed put a huge hole in their funds and it needed to be recuperated. He planned on doing exactly that.
Kim Woobin [A] 10 years ago
@Hyesung Woobin was walking down the road hiding in at the side of it so he could see coming cars but they couldn’t see him. He had let many cars pass because he had been unsure if they would be safe. He sees the soon going up getting hectic a little he wanted to be out of town before the next team would arrive to search for him. Woobin hears a car coming turning to look at it. The car looked safe to him he walked up to the rode waiting for the car to stop next to him. With this decision his life was sealed.

He looks through the window knowing whom he was talking to the second he saw the face. It was a shock he couldn’t move anymore just staring at the person in the car. Hyesung. The Mafia boss he feared more than anything in this world. His mind suddenly came up with the first time he saw that guy. It had been back when I still had an unrequited crush and she had been too far away for him. It was on a rainy day he was coming out of the university building looking at the sky annoyed at the rain. His eyes had been looking around for a way not to get wet then they settled in the girl he had feeling for since a long time now. She was with another man and that man had been Hyesung the one and only time he had seen him before and now he was staring right in his eyes.
Hyesung 10 years ago
@Kim Woobin Hyesung kept the file as he walked to the carport of the building where they kept all vehicles. There he was met with the team of 10 or so members who immediately stood up straight when he walked into the space. It was composed of 4 woman and 5 men, including what looked to be a teenage boy no older than 18. Paying no mind to it though, Hyesung stood in front of them with the file in hand.

"We're going to be looking for this man." he said as he held up the man's picture. "Of course you may have heard of him before, considering how every team sent out seems to fail. Have they regaled you with their tales of the man who always seems to be slipping from their fingers?" Crushing the photo in his hand, he held it at his side as he glared at every one of them. "I hope that you will not be as incompetent as the last. Take whatever you need and do whatever you need to find and capture this man. However, I suggest you don't draw too much attention to yourself and don't go killing random people without a second thought." Once he finished talking he waited for them to move to their respected vehicles. When they noticed he was waiting they quickly dispersed into their smaller groups and got ready before driving out of the carport.

Now alone, Hyesung threw the photo onto the ground and walked to his car. He decided that he would take the roads at the outside edge of the town, noting that the man would probably be trying to find a way out of the city. With that, he also drove out of the carport and made his way to each of the highways coming into and out of the city. The file was safely tucked away under the front seat and he kept his gun under his coat.

About halfway through his search on the highways, he came across a man on the side of the highway. It looked like it was about to rain but in the last rays of the sun he could make out their face and smirked to himself as he brought the car to a stop by the sidewalk.

"Do you need a ride?" he asked as he rolled the window down, pretending to care and changing his expression even before he had rolled the windows down.
Kim Woobin [A] 10 years ago
@Hyesung Woobin was hiding in an old run down Motel. Again they had been to close. His whole body still shivered with fear. How could he go through this any longer? He was about to give up and just let them kill him every time they were close but then on face aspired in his head and this face was to only reason he would go on living. It was his first love to one and only person he ever had feeling for. She had died in an accident two weeks after he finally asked her out. Back then she did it to save his life and remembering her last word all he could do was hiding and running away over and over again.

The debt he had was because of her. She had been in finical trouble and he had taken her debt. So now he was the one hunted by the Mafia. Woobin takes a deep breath calming his mind. He couldn’t say here but with no money in him pocket the only thing he could do was this. He gets up grabbing his jacket nothing else he called his belonging just the cloth on his body and the cheap ring on his finger, a present by his first love. Woobin leaves the building quietly waking through the night looking for a place to stay. He had been on the run for more than a year now so he knew his way around. He gets in one of the junky houses with were around this part of town, in here he would be able to disappear for some time to catch up a little sleep before running away again tomorrow.

Woobin gets up after some of sleep not much but it would be enough for him. He gets out of the house using the still lingering darkness to hide himself running through town to the other side highway. He would try to get a person to take him along for as fare as it was possible and the look around there where to hide.
Hyesung 10 years ago
@Kim Woobin "What do you mean you lost him?" Hyesung asked in a voice that signaled what would happen next as he threw his files across the table.

"W-we're really sorry sir. We almost h-had him and he slipped away when night came." the man stuttered as Hyesung stood up slowly from his chair behind the desk. He was practically shaking in his boots as the pretty man glared at him with malice.

"And you come all the way here to tell me lost him?" Hyesung asked another question as he made his way around the desk, revealing the gun held in his hand at his side. The man's eyes widened as he began to plead, holding his hands together kneeling. He knew not to break eye contact with Hyesung though. It was one of the many unspoken rules of entering the man's office. "You would have been better off running away." With that, Hyesung aimed the gun and pulled the trigger straight at the man's head. The man stopped moving and fell forward just as two men standing outside the door moved in and picked him. "Feed him to the dogs for all I care." Hyesung told them and they nodded, taking the man's body out of the room.

Setting his gun back on the table, Hyesung picked up the file of the man he was looking for, the one that man had failed to keep track of. When one of the men came back for orders, Hyesung just waved his hand without turning around and spoke.

"Send the next group in for the job, but this time, tell them I'm coming with." he spoke calmly as he looked through the file for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. The man was surprised but nodded anyone and started walking out of the room to leave Hyesung alone. "Wait." Stopping his movement, the man stayed still as Hyesung turned around. "Make sure someone cleans the blood off the floor." With that, Hyesung walked past the man with the file in his hand as he walked out of the room. He was going to find this man himself if no one could do it.


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TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Hey I'm back from my haitus.
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
As both calvin and Joji please?
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Can I have a week hiatus please?
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Can you change the face to Calvin Lee please?
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Applied Calvin V
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
Is it alright if I get accepted back as Joji? I'm sorry I've just been getting bullied on this site so I kinda got upset and over reacted. Then I got to thinking and realised I made a huge mistake.
TokidokiHelloKitty 6 years ago
so just to understand this is essientally you pick a muse and then that muse can have whatever story with whoever?
PureWildness 6 years ago
Is this place still active at all?
supertuna 9 years ago
i'm sorry bby but nana left.
Im going to start busy and left more chara soon TT
-silHOEette 9 years ago
baekhyun left
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