The Hotel


~Have Fun ;)~

G-Dragon [A] 10 years ago
@BamBam *scoffs*
Nice mouth
I can treat people how ever I want. I can even treat you like that so shut it
Your little equality talk is getting stupid and annoying, okay?
How about you leave me to my business and I'll leave you to yours
BamBam [A] 10 years ago
@G-Dragon I'm not wasting your time
I'm telling you not to treat women like !!!
Why would they? They're the ones being treated like toys by YOU
You're a horrible human being
G-Dragon [A] 10 years ago
@BamBam And you're too annoying
You're really wasting my time here
I never get treated like this.
Look, Bam. I'm the young and rich GD
No one would make ME a toy.
BamBam [A] 10 years ago
@G-Dragon You're too arrogant!!
*rolls eyes at you*
That doesn't mean treat them like that
What if people treated you like that just because of who or what you are? You wouldn't like it all.
G-Dragon [A] 10 years ago
@BamBam I know I am
*dusts my suit a bit*
Stop being stupid. They're just girls
They get paid to do this
BamBam [A] 10 years ago
@G-Dragon Well you are young and rich
But isn't that mean? Shouldn't you like a girl for her personality?
Not her looks?
G-Dragon [A] 10 years ago
@BamBam Aish..
You ask too many questions
Because I like to
It's fun
Plus, I'm GD. I can afford this
BamBam [A] 10 years ago
@G-Dragon *blinks*
But why?
G-Dragon [A] 10 years ago
@BamBam *claps*
Now you got it, kid
*pats your back*
BamBam [A] 10 years ago
@G-Dragon *listens to you, thinking hard*
At a hotel and you need girls
To....... them?
G-Dragon [A] 10 years ago
@BamBam Look, kid
*takes my sunglasses off*
I need girls because I like them. You see we're at a hotel
Now why do you think I would want girls?
Think about it, kid
BamBam [A] 10 years ago
@G-Dragon Some girls?
Why would you need some girls?
G-Dragon [A] 10 years ago
Nice place
*fixes my suit*
Just need some girls now


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acuteassmess 10 years ago
Reserve and add Krystal for me pls :)??
rivaille 10 years ago
Kai is already reserved?
off 10 years ago
add suzy from miss A?
4be3db1a62932740ed69 10 years ago
reserve baekhyun please? c:
guacamole 10 years ago
please reserve jackson wang for me. c:
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