All under 18 must list student as occupation. All over 18 must have a job or be unemployed. If unemployed you live with your parents of in a shelter.
College or high school student
Teacher at Maroona High(must be 23 or older)
Food service ie. waitress, waiter, buss boy, barista, Cook, chief, food prep.
Medical field ie. Doctor, nurse, therapist etc. (Must be 23 or over)
Amusement park specialist (you can work in a booth, operate rides, provide entertainment.)
Adult industry ie. e, stripper, etc.
Teen jobs ie. cashier, grocery bagger, cart collector, etc.
Entrepreneur or business owner. (If so list your business in profile description)
*Be creative, come up with your own if you like as long as it is reasonable.*
"Living Status"
23 and over may own a home.
Own a home
Homeless shelter
Orphanage (14-17)