@Tao -Chuckles a bit at you-
Aigoo,hyung is so cute~
-Grins and go help you carry the food-
-Put the food on the table and take a seat-
Wah,seems yummy!~
@Zelo -nods pouting lightly-
mhm~~ I haven't eaten today ;;
-blinks looking over-
wah I think it's done~
-grins running over grabbing the food and paying-
can you help with all this?? >.<
@Zelo -laughs hugging your waist-
omo we could be besties x3
I completely agree~ the hyungs can't help but fall for my aegyo u3u
-grins finding the food court-
@Tao -Giggles a bit-
Being young and cute is almost everything hyung
Someone will eventually fall into a trap with just one cute face
-Chuckles and smiles widely-
Now now,I sound evil
@Zelo -shrugs puffing my cheeks-
normally I'm the one acting all cute to get what I want xD
this is a nice twist to me~~
-grins giving you a thumbs up as well- thank you ouo