@Chanyeol Okay then, thats great!
*smiles in content when you hold on to me*
Great- that's*yawns* Great.
*rubs eyes before burying my head at the side of your neck and on your shoulder*
Mmmm~ G'night Yeol~
@Chanyeol Oh okay then Yeol~
*cuddles with you tightly while sleeping and quickly thinks up an excuse for it*
I don't want to fall off the bed, you don't mind if I cuddle with you, do you?
*looks hopefully at you*
@Chanyeol *nods with a smile*
Yes, I'm sure it's in one of the shops in the mall nearby. I've seen really cute cases in some shops there, and they're bound to have them!
@Chanyeol *chuckles*
I do!
*looks at you and smiles*
Really? You're putting it too? Great~
*looks over your shoulder while you set it*
You really changed it! Now we match~
@Baekhyun hm, you really like that picture, don't you?
/chuckles and watches you set it as your wallpaper.
ooh, i'll do that too! we can match.
/grins and grabs my phone again, changing the wallpaper to the same picture.
@Chanyeol *laughs and smiles when you kiss my cheek*
Well, you could've just done that in the picture instead, my pabo
But I dont really mind now~
@Baekhyun /laughs and scrolls through the pictures.
i like the last one too.
it looks like i did this.
/kisses your cheek and pulls away, smiling at you.
@Chanyeol *puffs my cheeks out when you let them go but then I get squished again*
*squishes my face like a baozi namely Xiumin for some of the selcas and just pouts for the rest, smiles shyly at the camera for the one where you pretend to kiss my cheek*
Yes, but Send them to me too,okay?
@Baekhyun yay!
/lets go of your cheeks and gets my phone out before squishing your cheeks together again with my free hand.
say cheese.
/laughs and takes a couple of pictures, turning around to face you and pretending to kiss your cheek in the last photo.
done! do you wanna see?
@Chanyeol *blinks when you nuzzle my nose, wrinkling my nose because it tickled*
Awww, Yeoooowiiieeee
Okay, Justh Onfe Shelcaa
*Pouts while squishing my eyebrows together*
@Baekhyun aw, so cute.
/chuckles and nuzzles your nose, still squishing your cheeks.
oh i should take a picture! baekhyunnie, can we take a selca like this?