Post your timezone down below, along with your orientation. This is useful if people want to find someone to date but aren't sure of their orientation or their timezone. Peoples' timezones and orientations will be listed down below as you keep scrolling.
+ nana: gmt-4 // straight
+ jay: gmt-4 // straight
+ tiffany: gmt-6 // biual
+ minah: gmt-6 // straight
+ hyuna: gmt-5 // straight
+ kyungri: gmt-5 // straight
+ krystal: gmt-4 // straight
+ sehun: gmt+8 // straight
+ jaebum: gmt-5 // straight
+ jackson: gmt+2 // biual
+ myungsoo: gmt+7 // biual
+ soyou: gmt-8 // biual
+ lizzy: gmt+8 // straight
+ jessica: gmt+8 // straight
+ jinyoung: gmt-5 // homoual
+ naeun: gmt-8 // straight
+ yongguk: gmt+12 // biual
+ kris: gmt+8 // homoual
+ luna: gmt-6 // biual
+ taeyeon: gmt-4 // biual
+ leo: gmt+7 // homoual
+ seulgi: gmt+8 // panual
+ chanyeol: gmt+8 // biual
+ gong yoo: gmt+2 // straight
+ luhan: gmt+0 // biual
+ hakyeon/n: gmt-5 // homoual
+ kim yoonji: gmt+8 // straight
+ yura: gmt+8 // straight
+ irene kim: gmt-4 // straight
+ kai : gmt+7 // biual
+ hongbin: gmt+7 // homoual
+ bora: gmt-5 // straight
+ gdragon: gmt-5 // panual
+ hyorin: gmt-6 // straight
+ suzy: gmt-7 // straight
+ top: gmt+8 // straight
+ taeyang: gmt+2 // straight
+ ailee: gmt+7 // straight
+ l.joe: gmt+8 // straight
+ jiyeon: gmt+8 // straight
+ chaerin: gmt-7 // straight
+ wendy: gmt+8 // straight
+ akimoto: gmt+1 // biual
+ hyoyeon: gmt-4 // biual
+ lay: gmt+8 // straight
+ min: gmt+5 // straight
+ bae irene: gmt-7 // straight
+ mino: gmt+7 // straight
+ eric: gmt-5 // homoual
+ jiwon: gmt+2 // straight
+ kyungsoo: gmt-6 // biual
+ uji: gmt-5 // straight
+ jungkook: gmt-5 // biual
+ minho: gmt+10 // panual
+ key: gmt+8 // biual
+ seokjin: gmt-8 // biual
+ chorong: gmt+8 // straight
+ zelo: gmt-8 // biual
+ sulli: gmt+7 // straight
+ chorong: gmt-8 // straight
+ joohyun: gmt-4 // straight
+ minhee: gmt-6 // straight
+ jonghoon: gmt+0 // straight
+ taehyung: gmt+8 // biual