> Confession room


Lconfess your heart out

get it off your chest 

don't hold it in

confession room



Sandeul 9 years ago
You knew your feelings and I'm still lost here

/rolls away/
Lee San Ha 9 years ago
confession idek anymore what ive written in my apply about myself ill probably all different
*throws some confetti around*
Sandeul 10 years ago
I confess that I really want to talk to everyone but too shy to talk to even one person /rolls away/
Tao 10 years ago
It is really hard for me to choose who to hit on sometimes because all of the idols are so perfect xD Usually I just go for personality, but... sometimes the grammar is just so bad. TT^TT I understand that English is not everyone's native language, but if it is, PLEASE act like you've gone to school a day in your life. TT^TT Okay, I'm done. Sorry. *Bows bows*
Jung JinYoung [A] 10 years ago
I confess that this is a confession in a confession room.
/steals v-card/


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_WMstan 8 years ago
I had some fun here with few ppl
Thanks a lot
Sandeul is leaving
Bye~! \0/
gospel 9 years ago
Mark left.
iphone 9 years ago
can you add godfrey gao for me pls? c:
Kyasurin_Uchiha 9 years ago
I wanna roleplay a boyXboy anyone wanna rp with me
VelociPuppy 9 years ago
The rules an application are overlapping really badly, jsyk ><
gospel 9 years ago
Add Mark pliz. :v
SaTaen 9 years ago
Hi! Can you add and reserve Kyungsoo?
KeanVetucio 9 years ago
I've applied as Sehun
KeanVetucio 9 years ago
Can I ask where will I post the application form?
_WMstan 9 years ago
Sandeul ish back and 24/7 available now eue
Or should be lol
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