Room/House Request

Here it is! You can know own your own room for the low, low price of 250 points! 

Once you have the points just post in this room and link the picture you would like to use. You can even give us special notes to put in the description or a wicked title for it like "Seungri's Love Grotto" and we will put it up for you.

Batteries sold separately, no exhanges, returns or refunds...

Just kidding, we will exchange pictures and stuff if you find one you like better but we are serious about the refunds.

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chicagorainbow 9 years ago
Kiseop is leaving
darkfengxi 9 years ago
Sunggyu is leaving due to inactivity... sorry ;;
boksoongah 9 years ago
Leaving because inactivity. ;-; I'm sorry. (Hyeri/Sulli)
silvermist1116 9 years ago
Gain is leaving.
Falsehope 10 years ago
daehyun left
dirtyvibe 10 years ago
mark is leaving because of inactivity soryy~
Illuminates 10 years ago
I'm sorry Jinhwan has to leave due to school. T.T
Capicy 10 years ago
Luna is leaving due to school
AnExoticShawol 10 years ago
can you please add ulzzang Im Da Hye, thank you
Sanguineheart [A] 10 years ago
We will be closing Arcadians off for now unless fulfilling a wish.
-- Admin Dara
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