1.If you want to change your profile (the one in the rooms) you can post a gif link here, or a different ideal type. Mention that it's for the room though please! Any changes to your profile, request them here.
2. If you are a perfect match and want a honeymoon suite, you can request one here!
3. If you want a different place added, let us know!
4. Going on hiatus? Let us know here!
5. If you want your name to be changed, ask for it here. We won't allow every change though. (Nothing too crazy).
2. If you are a perfect match and want a honeymoon suite, you can request one here!
3. If you want a different place added, let us know!
4. Going on hiatus? Let us know here!
5. If you want your name to be changed, ask for it here. We won't allow every change though. (Nothing too crazy).