★⋮thirst room

who are you thristy for? but remeber drink water u v u #stay hydrated
kwangmin 9 years ago
/enters and looks around,
not knowing what this room is for/
so... what exactly do you do in this room?
/blinks and looks around confused/
/scratching my head/
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /laughs and hugs you again
sorry, hyung, if my words have ever hurt you
/nudges you playfully/
you know that i love you, right?
/pokes at your arms
yeah, we should go to the gym when we get to jeju island
luhan 9 years ago
@chen /tilts my head slightly, chuckling lightly
Kim Jongdae, you have gone top far with me sometimes
And see? I'm still your friend and I still care for you
/smiles and nods, looking at my arms
Maybe. But just my arms because my legs are fine
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /pulls away slightly to look at you
i just don't want you to feel hurt
i mean, i joke around a lot
and sometimes, i might be out of the line
/pokes you
maybe it's time to build some muscles
luhan 9 years ago
@chen /shakes my head and pats your back, hugging you back/
Don't worry, Chen
It's all right
/chuckles and agrees with you/
Yeah, just sometimes. Still, I look more like a girl
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /laughs and pats your shoulder
okay, okay, you're not.
/looks at you for a moment before smiling slightly
hyung, you may have a pretty face
and i know that i've always teased you
but, sometimes, you can be manly.
/hugs you
i still want to repay you, anyway
luhan 9 years ago
@chen /shakes my head hysterically
I'm not cheesy, God!
/sighs heavily and my lips quickly/
I give up, there's no way that someone will call me manly
Or at least, not with this doll face
/motions to my face
So yeah, you don't have to repay me anything
I'm doing it because I want to anyways
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /nods in agreement/
yeah, but he still has to swipe his card for me
/shakes my head
nah, you're totally cheesy
/taps my chin as i think about it
but it's not good to lie
so i won't promise you that.
i'll just... idk, buy you a meal?
luhan 9 years ago
@chen /imagines Suho and Lay
Yeah, poor Suho
/nods and puckers my lips, thinking
I'm not cheesy, that's the truth
/hugs you back briefly/
Oh, you going to repay it now.
We'll repromise what promised before.
You'll not call me 'not manly' again, okay?
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /laughs
poor suho hyung. i bet he has a lot to deal with already
nah, just leave lay hyung alone.
/snickers at your words
hyung, you're just so... cheesy
/grins and pulls you into a hug briefly before pulling away
i'll totally repay you one day
luhan 9 years ago
@chen /nods like a boss
I don't how are we going to make that happen but I guess we'll find a way...
Why don't we just leave it to Suho?
/points at you
You said the answer. Because Sehun is one thing and you guys are another one
/was the one who smacked you
/nods and smiles
Yeah, I don't have any other option
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /laughs/ fine, hyung. you're both.
/snickers at your words
well, we should find a way to make him not distracted, then
/rubs my nose/
well, how could i say that you're manly
especially when i see the way you act around sehun?
/grins and stands up
really? you're the best
luhan 9 years ago
@chen Nahh, I'm both
/listens to you and shrugs
What can I say? He is just THAT distracted
/pokes your nose/
Stop it with the 'not being manly' thing
/bites my tongue and sighs heavily/
Exactly, so get up and let's go to Jeju Island
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /stretches my arms and smiles
that's being cocky. not confident.
/raises my eyebrow
oh, yeah, he is distracted.
and i'm forgetful. that's why i write
everything that i need to do and remember
in my notebook. and the notebook doesn't
say anything about my promise not to call you not manly
/snorts at your statement
so it won't happen again?
whatever that floats your boat
luhan 9 years ago
@chen /nods
Of course, I'm really confident in myself
/lets go of you but still keeps close
Lay has not that problem, he is just distracted
/defends him and pursues my lips
Yes, it's once in a lifetme experience so enjoy it
/pats your cheek gently
Because XiuChen forever, that's why
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /laughs
eyy, so conceited.
now, let go of me, hyung
my arms hurts
/rolls my eyes good-naturedly
i'm not as bad as lay hyung o u o
/blinks as you kiss my forehead
well... that was unexpected.
why do you ship us so much? /laughs
luhan 9 years ago
@chen /shrugs nonchalantly
Because I know I'm just that good
/sticks my tongue out at you
You forgetful camel
/blinks and kisses your forehead
Sorry if its was too hard
Because /coughs/ mini Xiumins /coughs/
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /raises my eyebrow
why are you so sure of that?
/makes a face at you
i don't remember ;A;
/whines as you flick my forehead
that hurts, hyung
and why are you so sure that i even want to have children?
luhan 9 years ago
@chen / my lips and shakes my head
Nu-Uh, I don't think so
/looks back at you blankly too
Try to remember, Kim Jongdae
/flicks your forehead
Do you want to be able to conceive children in the future? Then stop
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /grins cheekily at you
maybe i like the position that i'm in
/looks at you blankly
but seriously, when did i ever? ;A;
/shakes my head
nope, you're only hot when you're like this
luhan 9 years ago
@chen /shakes my head
No, you could have already pinned me down if you wanted to
/makes a serious face
You see? You don't even remember that promise
/chuckles lightly
Come on, I'm hot everytime
chen 9 years ago
@sehun /flails my arms
but you are a cute baby maknae
i'm just stating the facts u n u
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /sticks my tongue out at you
that's because you're trapping me
and i'm in a disadvantageous position
/raises my eyebrow at you
when did i ever promise you that?
but hyung, you're kinda hot like this
sehun 9 years ago
@chen to snap you out of your
boredom and to prevent
you from ever calling me
a cute baby maknae again
luhan 9 years ago
@chen /raises an eyebrow at you and makes a face
You should be the one taking vitamins since you cannot even get away from my grip
/forces a smile
Come to tell me about promises.
YOU promised ME to not call me 'not manly' anymore, and see?
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /tries to release my hands
yes, you're heavy, hyung
let me go ;A;
/laughs/ maybe you should eat vitamins
like joonmyun hyung
/makes a face at you
it's not good to break your promise, hyung
luhan 9 years ago
@chen /keeps a strong hold on you
Oh, I'm the heavy one?
I'm the one that cares for his body the most
/shrugs and pursues my lips
Sehun has twice my strength, so no, I won't top him ever
End of the story
/shakes my head and ignores the sob
You just angered me
chen 9 years ago
@luhan /yelps and tries to struggle against your hold
get off me ;A;
you're heavy.
/laughs at your words
because he's taller? are you saying that you'll top if you're with someone shorter?
/fakes a sob
but but but you promised!
luhan 9 years ago
@chen /bites my tongue and then nods slowly
Very well...
/gets on top of you and pins your hands above your head
It's because he is taller than me that I cannot top him, not because I'm not manly!
/looks at you and sighs heavily
For what you just did, I will not take you, ever, to Jeju Island or any other place I go
chen 9 years ago
@luhan you're not manly
/looks at you as innocently as possible
/snickers/ of course you can't top him
refer to what i said earlier /shot
/coughs/ chenisawesome /coughs/
/grins at you happily
i'll take your word for that


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statuesque 9 years ago
sehun left.
snorts 9 years ago
chen left. sorry and thank you for everything.
adonic 9 years ago
Minwoo left
thanks for having me.
thatbottom 9 years ago
Kwangmin left
wugyeol 9 years ago
left myungsoo's character
strife 9 years ago
namjoonie has left.
areumdaun 9 years ago
jhope left. sorry !
baekachu 9 years ago
reserve xiumin~ thank you c:
batman 9 years ago
add uniq's yibo please~
taelifornia 9 years ago
please add and reserve Wa$$up's Nari. Thanks~ :)
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