[P] PUPIL :  The trainees. They are to live in Heuksa  unless they have to be infiltrated somewhere else, and train hard with their tutors to become part of the organization one day. Their final test is to kill the thing they love most.
Availability : (1/10)

[J] JUVENILE : The new and fresh assassins. Once the train is completed they join the organization in the lowest rank, still getting used to the path and doing less heavy jobs.
Availability : (1/10)

[R] RAVEN : The middle rank killers. These are already more experienced killers who usually do dirty jobs, especially of infiltration. They also tutor the pupils.
Availability : (2/10)

[D] DRAGON : The high rank killers. These assassins are the most dangerous and most prestigied. They get to do the most complicated & most expensive jobs.
They also tutor the pupils at times.

Availability : (4/5)

[L] LEADER :  There are only 3 leaders in the organization. They guide the assassins and are the most skilled killers and martial arts

Availability : EARTH LORD ; FIRE LORD ; SKY LORD (2/3)



[P] PUPIL :  The trainees. They live in the Academy since young and train hard every day until the year of their final exam where it is decided their ranking.
Availability : (2/10)

[G] GUARDSMAN : This is the lowest rank. Guardsman patrol the streets and stand in guard posts around the city.
Availability : (0/10)

[C] CORPORAL : The middle rank swordsman. They guard the palace but also the Emperor and high lords from any possible attacks.
Availability : (0/10)

[L] LIEUTENANT : The high rank swordsman. In the absence of the general, they lead. They can give opinions on battle or security orders and they tutor.
Availability : (2/5)

[SG] SWORD GENERAL : The generals are the leaders of each battle/emperial guard faction. They can also tutor at times.
Availability : (1/3)

[LC] LORD COMMANDER : The supreme leader. The closest man to the Emperor that guides the Emperial Guard. 
Availability : (0/1)


[D] DOCTORS : When joining the Academy, some men can also be trained to become doctors. These are the imperial's guard healers but they can also be traitors and help Heuksa Chorong. 
Availability : (0/5)


[B] BLACKSMITHS : Just like doctors, when joining those who wish can also be trained in the arts of blacksmithing and learn how to draft the best swords.
Availability : (0/5)

[S] SCRIBBLES : Those who fail the final test become scribbles instead, men with the power of words instead of sword. Drawing maps, writing the historical happenings and taking care of the Imperial Guard's burocracy, those are some of their tasks.
Availability : (0/5)





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SeerFlame 9 years ago
I'm very very sorry but it seems like I (Junhong) have to leave now. I had an amazing time here, I loved the roleplaying, the theme of the roleplay and even though there weren't a lot of people, I really loved all of you as well. I hope we can all meet somewhere else one day, bye.
silvermist1116 9 years ago
Thank you for having me. Zitao left.
flightofdeath 9 years ago
Can you add Jaejoong please~?
mononoaware 10 years ago
Reserve Lee jongsuk for me.
_Liam_ 10 years ago
Reserve Actor Yoo AhIn for me~ ouo
Cherno 10 years ago
I'm so sorry but I'm going to be leaving. I did have a lot of fun while I was here, though!
SeerFlame 10 years ago
Applied as Junhong :D
SeerFlame 10 years ago
Hello, could you add and reserve Choi Junhong/Zelo for me please? ^_^
310390 10 years ago
Can you please add and reserve Sehun for me? :)
unpoetically- 10 years ago
Can you add and reserve Jaejoong for me? I will be applying on the 25th when I actually receive my new laptop. Thanks in advance if you can.
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