be awesome like us#

Greet the newest student of Awesome Academy! Please guide them how to be awesome here, dear seniors! Before that, let's do our tradition that is throwing cupcakes on the new peeps' face! FOOD PARTY EVERYBODY!

“Gotta be awesome&weird”



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oceani 9 years ago
is this open still?
[comment deleted by owner]
cherrypies 9 years ago
Applied as Luhan!
juzsmile 9 years ago
appiled as jungkook
cheesepie 9 years ago
+ Done upvote and subcribe
cheesepie 9 years ago
apply as Dasom
LILGVCCI 9 years ago
Add & reserve Lee Hyori for meh plz? ouo
cherrypies 9 years ago
Could you reserve Luhan for me? Pretty please~
Stand_by_you 9 years ago
Add and reserve Baekhyun for me? Thxx
s 9 years ago
applied as mark tuan.
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