hello there. my name is soojung. but you may call me krystal. i'm the head admin for this roleplay. and i'm really nice. so don't fear me and take the step forward.
whenever you're feeling down or sorts, do talk to me. i'll try my best to help you out, be it ic or ooc matters. well, i hope you enjoy the roleplay.
if you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber.
^ weeps
^ weeps
i'm basically this cheesy ball of energy. i'll most likely greet you first, but if you beat me to it, then props to you! if you have any questions, talk to soojung because she's more responsible. no, i'm kidding, feel free to talk to me about anything & i look forward to meeting all of you lovely people!
text here
'ssup? lee hyeri in the house, yo! /smacked; anyways, girl's day's maknae is me. and nooo i'm not their baby. /frowns; i got swag, always remember that i am the swag princess of gsd. /bricked; i'm always full of energy so don't be afraid to talk to me. but first... gimme food! lol, i kid- please enjoy your stay here, ppl! lovelots. xoxo /sends you all my sarang; < 3
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