❄ Clinic

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Feeling sick?
The doctor that will take you to heaven, Dr. Eric Nam



Park Sunyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Myungsoo The words were comforting, but his actions were not. It left Sunyoung confused as she watched him turn away. She wasn't going to lie, her first reaction was to be a bit upset as his contradictions..but why did he do it to begin with? Was he uninterested in her story and just saying those things? Or did he have more stirring in his chest than he was letting on? Clearing , she straightened up and looked down at her lap. "Thank you, really. But don't psychologist have to make certain visits to their other psychologist peers and discuss their own issues? Why don't you do that with me? I'll tell my story as long as you tell me yours..all of it. I'll do the same."
Kim Myungsoo {SH} [A] 9 years ago
@Park Sunyoung Myungsoo glanced at her and suddenly felt the girl actually want to share her story. "Well, that's what a pshychologist do. Although I'm still a psychology student, but we used to hear people's story." He glanced at her again, made sure this time Luna would understand that he really just wanted to help. "You can just tell me if you want." He ended saying that and turned away.

[[Hey, I'm in semi-hiatus, so maybe it would take longer to reply.]]
Park Sunyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Myungsoo Sunyoung pouted to herself as he thought about his words, appearing like a lost puppy as she tried to defend her reasoning. "I just...know that I'm not the most entertaining individual. You have a lot of problems of your own, mine may just be trival to you. Why bother and bug you with my problems? It's not like you could talk to my father and convince him that letting me be the one person to gear away from the family traditions might be a good idea....no one can do that. Only he can, so that makes it near impossible." She opened up to him, wanting to feel the huge weight off her shoulders but she also was expecting the male to just yawn and turn away
Kim Myungsoo {SH} [A] 9 years ago
@Park Sunyoung He stared at Luna, trying to analize her. This girl seemed like she want to talk, but changed her mind somehow. He sighed then replied, "I can see that something is holding you back." He spoke his mind bluntly then smirked.
He nodded as she talked about her hobby. "Ah, so you're studying acting and singing?" He nodded again. "I see."
Park Sunyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Myungsoo "Yes....no..It's complicated." She mentioned with an uneasy smile. She opened and closed like a fish out of water, as if she was going to say something but something else always held her back. The girl, strangely so, actually wanted to tell him and open up to him. But she was afraid that it would only bore him, bother him. Clearing once again, a habit that pops up when she's nervous or afraid, she spoke just a tiny bit about her story. "I like to dance..it's what I enjoy most in my life. But it's not enough to make a living. Singing and acting can making a living..so that's what I'm doing." She pursed her lips and nodded in afterthought, looking down at her lap, thinking that might be enough to tickle whatever small curiosity he may have without really bothering him too much.
Kim Myungsoo {SH} [A] 9 years ago
@Park Sunyoung "Well, that's not look okay in my eyes."
Myungsoo looked at Luna as she started talking, more like telling her story. He chuckled. This girl was literally telling him her story bluntly, until she shook her head. Myungsoo knew she just realized she was telling her personal story.

"So, you're a dancer, I assume."
Park Sunyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Myungsoo Sunyoung looked down at where he pointed, remembering suddenly about the pain. "I'm actually okay, the injury looks worse than it is. Just a sprain...if it was broken, I may have to leave the school entirely just because I couldn't show my face anymore, couldn't face the disappointment sure to come. " She referrenced her family indirectly, but quickly shook her head to remind herself not to think about them. "My story isn't quite extraordinary...I was practicing a bit afterwards in the dance studio before..it just gave out, and I landed directly on top of it. Damn"
Kim Myungsoo {SH} [A] 9 years ago
@Park Sunyoung He chuckled. "Well, probably common for you. But not for me. I'm not usually being jerk at first meeting with a stranger." He said. "And, thanks. But I don't wanna talk about it. It's...." He paused for a while. ".. private. Not appropriate to talk with someone I just met." He continued, looking at the girl again, analized her behavior. "It's family thing. So, yeah. But you helped me with asking babout it. Thanks." He said in hope Luna wouldn't feel disappointment.
"What about we talk about your injure?" He pointed at Luna's leg. "Of course if you don't mind."
Park Sunyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Myungsoo If Sunyoung was being honest, she wasn't expecting him to take her hand so kindly. If anything, a shrug would have sufficed but she wasn't going to complain if he gave her more. She willed herself to give him a small smile, just as a thank you for trying to be nice despite whatever it was that happened to him earlier. "You wouldn't be the first one to be like that towards me, so no worries. It's common. Want to talk about this 'not so good situation' that has you out of your wits? It might help...plus it'll help you get rid of me eventually. That's always good, isn't it?" She poked at his side with a soft chuckle, stepping a little out of her comfort zone with a stranger with the hopes that he would do the same
Kim Myungsoo {SH} [A] 9 years ago
@Park Sunyoung "Chill out, girl. I was just trying to be nicer, okay?" Myungsoo replied, tried hard to put aside his annoyance towards the girl he just met and ruined his solitude. "Besides, I am a loner, until you came and ruined it." He spoke his mind, then looked at the girl. Again, he thought he was being a super annoying man. He sighed, more to himself for being rude.
"Okay, Luna. Not 'girl'." He said. "I'm Kim Myungsoo. You can call me Myungsoo. Or L. Or whatever." He grabbed the girl hand as he introduced himself. "And sorry if I was being hard on you, especially when we just met. I'm just not in good situation now."
Park Sunyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Myungsoo "Yah, if I was in pain would I be wasting my time here talking to someone I never met before?? And if you were the loner type, would you really be putting up with me right now? Leave all the sterotypes and judgements aside, society would be a better place without them anyway..." Her words went from holding a confident, firm stance to just a mere murmur at the end - obviously alluding to something from her life that simply doesn't sit well with her. But who was she to him to just lash out about the things she hated about her life? "Besides..my name isn't girl. Sunyoung, but call me Luna." She awkwardly held her hand out towards him in a introductory manner - it was weird timing, she could feel the embarrassment creeping across her skin. But what could she do when she knew she was the very definition of awkward, and this time was as good as any time
Kim Myungsoo {SH} [A] 9 years ago
@Park Sunyoung Myungsoo scanned the girl once again. Something had happened with her leg. Using psychology stuffs he learned at the college, he quickly realized what kind of girl who was standing in front of him. The girl didn't want attention on her and she tried to hide the fact she was in pain. Well, poorly tried.
"Everyone can see you're in pain, girl. Besides, why would you go to the clinic then? You definitely not a loner type like me."
Park Sunyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Myungsoo Sunyoung was left speechless by his quick, cold words. There were witty responses running around in her head, but most of them were just as harsh as his - and something told her that wouldn't be the best thing to do. He was here for a reason, something had bothered him enough to want to be alone, so why would she pour salt on the wound? The girl awkwardly cleared , also having a pride of her own, and she was much to stubborn to let the stranger know he put a small dent in it.
At the question concerning her leg, Sunyoung didn't think twice about shrugging it off. "It's nothing. Don't worry about more things than you need to." Her voice was nonchalant as her eyes wandered anywhere but him. Sunyoung wasn't the type to really want attention brought onto herself unless it was in the things that mattered, like her performances, and even then, she only ever wanted to grab her family's attention, no one else's. So she tried to play her injury off as nothing - soon realizing that she had fallen into the dilemma of how to make it towards the nurses office while also making him believe that her small limp was normal.
Kim Myungsoo {SH} [A] 9 years ago
@Park Sunyoung Myungsoo sighed as the girl kept bothering him. He usually being nice to a girl who he just saw in the boarding house. But he was just in super bad shape right now.
He pulled out his earphones, again, looking at the girl, smiling, or more like grinning. It wasn't his best grin as well. It was super fake.
"Lady, are you the owner of this place? If yes, I would be happy to go to another part of the house. If no, then you mind to leave me alone? This is the place I usually came when I wanna be alone. So yeah." He said, colder than before.
He sighed again then looked at the girl who seemed upset about his words. 'Okay, that was too harsh,' he thought.
He observed the girl and realized about her leg. "Did you fall or something?" He asked.
Park Sunyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Myungsoo Sunyoung huffed slightly at his words, pouting to herself at how difficult he was being. The girl already had a hard time even just saying hi to people - when they had an attitude like this guy's, it made Sunyoung want to crawl in a hole and hide forever. Clearing and looking away briefly, she tried it again - being far too stubborn to just give up or get up to walk away. "What do you need solitude for? You could get solitude at other part of the campus. What's so special about this place? What was so bad that you needed to come to a place of the unhealthy to just be alone?"
Kim Myungsoo {SH} [A] 9 years ago
@Park Sunyoung Myungsoo still looked at the girl with his icy eyes as the girl managed to stand on her own. Normally, Myungsoo would help someone if he/she fell down. But not today. He was only looking at the girl.
"No, I don't...." His words was cut off by the girl who forced him to move over. He let out a long sigh and putting on his earphones.
Even with his earphones on, he could still heard the girl asking what did an healthy man do in the clinic. "I need solitude. And you just successfully ruined it." He closed his eyes, leaning on the chair. "Do you think only physically unhealthy people could go to the clinic?"
Park Sunyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Myungsoo The male's voice was as icy as his eyes - an iciness that hit Sunyoung down to the very bone after she managed to stand upright on her own. She didn't like that look, and it only made the pressure to make conversation much heavier on the girl's shoulders. She sighed out softly in frustration. "Sitting this close to the hallway is a sin. Don't you see how easy it is for people to crash into you? Yah, you're in the way. Move over a bit." She said still with masked annoyance, trying to appear unaffected by his cold attitude or just the fact that she was had no communication skills whatsoever. The leg she was leaning on, the unhurt one, was starting to shoot small pangs of pain up her body. The silly girl attempted to lean against the wall cooly, though it wasn't working well in reality. Giving him a frown, Sunyoung took the chance to look him up and down. He was handsome, yes, but he also didn't have any signs of illness. "Yah, why are you sitting in a clinic when you seem perfectly healthy?? What's wrong with you?"
Kim Myungsoo {SH} [A] 9 years ago
@Park Sunyoung Myungsoo was upset. The cold weather only made it worst. It wasn't like Myungsoo being like a man who gets emotional over the weather. It was just after what happened an hour ago, everything looked ugly.
An hour ago, his father called him, asked him to go to Seoul for attending a company party. Since Myungsoo have an important class the day of the party, he refused politely. Then his father got mad, said he is a son who doesn't know how to make his parent happy and bla bla bla. The phone call ended with his father said, "Have some respect, Kim Myungsoo". Myungsoo was totally upset. If it wasn't for his parent, he wouldn't be a psychologist. If it wasn't for them, Myungsoo would be in his way for his dream now.
With so much thoughts, he went inside the clinic, hoping that no one would actually visit the clinic and he could be by himself. And he was right. The clinic was empty and he sat on a seat at the corner.
He was enjoying the solitude with earphone hanging from his ears when a random girl came in and bumped into him. "What the--" was the first sentence that came out from his mouth. He removed his earphone and turned to the girl who just said she was sorry, but with tint of annoyance. He glared at her and replied coldly, "Is sitting in the corner a sin?"
Park Sunyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Myungsoo Park Sunyoung felt her blood boiling. It never occurred to her exactly how many negative, horrible events could happen in a day. But it was only noon, and today was soon worsening. As a dancer, sprains might be the worst injuries - not from the recovery process or pain levels, but because the remedy is to wait it out. For a competitive, focused dancer, being able to move but being told not to, even while willing to withstand the pain, is one of the greatest tortures.
Sunyoung was limping slightly towards the clinic, already formulating how she would grow a pair out of nowhere to cunningly convince the doctor to let her still dance. In her turmoil, Sunyoung didn't notice the seat placed right at the turn of the corner - not only did she crash her already hurt ankle against the metallic seating frame, but she also nearly landed on the male occupying the space as she desperately tried to save her face on the fall down. "I-I'm so sorry! Why are you sitting so close to the corner?!" Her voice had a tint of annoyance, mainly caused by the embarrassment just starting to hit her now.


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sevendays 8 years ago
omg- I missed this place ; n ;
yookou 8 years ago
Irene left.
sevendays 8 years ago
I'm sorry but Hayoung will be leaving <//3 darling, I'm busy with school but I might come back
once I find the time ;n;
gorjess94 8 years ago
Bae Suji left sorry!! >< went back to ig rp
midnight_stardust 8 years ago
Sandara left, sorry but thanks for having me.
reignstars 8 years ago
Mark is leaving. Sorry to his muse.
It was really fun while it lasted, lost my motivation.
starseu 8 years ago
Could you please add & reserve Ai Hashimoto? Thank you! :D
-BabyElf_Fan 8 years ago
Sorry Hongbin is leaving
I'm not that active and lost my drive for this rp
It was fun while I was here ^^
missdauxian 8 years ago
hi! I applied for Kim Seukhye
HoneyMocha 9 years ago
Seulgi is leaving, I've lost my muse....thanks for having me here!
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