Teasing Class

Teasing Class


Teacher: Park Chanyeol

Sungjong 9 years ago
What did you learn from this class?
Student Jungkook 9 years ago
/walks in and sits at the back of the class, trying to shrink down into my seat in the hopes of not getting called to the front
Student Baekhyun 9 years ago
@Teacher Chanyeol /sighs softly to myself not really caring for class. And rubs my eyes a bit/
/blinks a few times as my name is called and frowns slowly getting up and moving to the front of the class not sure on what I'm supposed to do on my own/
Uh... I don't know what I'm supposed to do sir...
/mumbles and looks to you/
Teacher Chanyeol 9 years ago
@Student Baekhyun *walks into the classroom and greets the class*
*starting off with the basics of the same class routine calling some of the
students to show an example to the class as i sit on my black rolling chair*
*grins as they show an example to the class then looks at the others who watches the two
in front only to see one person not paying any attention to it*
*chuckles softly and smirks lightly as i stop the two then looks at you*
Baekhyun....why don't you take their place and show us an example in front instead..
*lets the two student head back to their seat and waits for you to get up in front of the class*
Student Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Student Baekhyun Blinks / really? wow , how can you make some one with out touching them ?
Student Baekhyun 9 years ago
@Student Kyungsoo I think ive learned quite abut in my teasing class..
I could make some with even giving them ... It's awesome. ~
Student Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Student Baekhyun Well pretty good so far, i learned alot about pleasure
how about you ?
Student Baekhyun 9 years ago
@Student Kyungsoo /hums softly /
Same i guess... How's your classes?
Student Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Student Baekhyun / nothing much . just bored i guess .
how about you/
Student Baekhyun 9 years ago
@Student Kyungsoo /blinks softly and smiles up at you/
Hey.. What's up?
Student Kyungsoo 9 years ago
@Student Baekhyun walks in and sees you ..
sits next to you / hi there / smiles
Student Baekhyun 9 years ago
/pouts and sits on the teachers desk/
Mhm.. I feel so lonely in here...


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-TheWolvesCry 9 years ago
Sungyeol will be leaving. No one to rp with and its really slow on my profile.
Thank you for having me and I am sorry to go
-TheWolvesCry 9 years ago
Admin sii. Can I go on hiatus. I'll be busy until around the end of Feb. I have an acting thing going on
88efe975b28f3bcdd765 9 years ago
Hi!! Im gonna be leaving Jinyoung im sorry!! The rp just isnt that active anymore and i have no one to rp with that replies more then once a day. So bai!!! I will come back if this place gets more active people
brittini 9 years ago
DO left ..
thebombdiggity 9 years ago
Leo is leaving, thanks for having me
silversorbet 9 years ago
Hello! I'm going to leave Jungkook. I'm just going through some personal things right now and I'm losing motivation to do everything, rpr included. I really loved this place and it's concept and I'm sorry I have to leave. :(
moon_jongup 9 years ago
Jay park will be leaving thanks for having me c:
Biribiribibi 9 years ago
Can you put Jaejoong and Key on haitus please thank you
brittini 9 years ago
kaoru left
PCYbaby 9 years ago
Hey, sorry I left Kris. I just lost inspiration for the character and my boyfriend kinda ditched me soooo yeah. I'll be continuing to play jinki though
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