Submission Class

Submission Class


Teacher: Jung Taekwoon (Leo)

Sungjong 9 years ago
What did you learn from this class?
Student Sehun 9 years ago
@Student Jay Park *walks with you towards my next class*
Student Jay Park 9 years ago
@Student Sehun /nods/
"Yeah sure!"
/slings my bag over my shoulder/
Student Sehun 9 years ago
@Student Jay Park *the school bell rings* oh, it's time. *grabs my stuff and walks to you* can you go with me to check at least like 5 minutes of my next class?
Student Jay Park 9 years ago
@Student Sehun /writes: dude its ok to skip and besides you yourself said that you don't need it/
/passes it back to/
Student Sehun 9 years ago
@Student Jay Park *grabs a piece of paper and writes: i feel like a rebel skipping class. Before passing it to you*
Student Jay Park 9 years ago
@Student Sehun /looks at my wrist watch/
/ signals to that it's ending in 2 minutes/
Student Sehun 9 years ago
@Student Jay Park *stands up unexpectedly, bows at the teacher and sits back down, grinning sheepishly at you before answering back: so what time does class end?*
Student Jay Park 9 years ago
@Student Sehun /writes : \(^v^)/ yay that means we can hangout! /
/passes the letter back to you/
Student Sehun 9 years ago
@Student Jay Park *frowns a little as I read your reply and replies back: i have control next. I doubt I'll need that though...*
Student Jay Park 9 years ago
@Student Sehun /writes: \(^o^)/ i have break next so we can hangout at the cafeteria. ●v● what do you have next btw~/
/passes paper back to you/
Student Sehun 9 years ago
@Student Jay Park *reads it and replies back: sure, where's you wanna go? Oh what's your next class?*
Student Jay Park 9 years ago
@Student Sehun /reads it and smiles/
/writes: you wanna hangout after class? ●^●/
Student Sehun 9 years ago
@Student Jay Park *chuckles softly as I read it, then replies: me to tbh, but i have a feeling I'll be very submissive*
Student Jay Park 9 years ago
@Student Sehun /reads it and smiles /
/writes back :i'm actually new to this i'm sill a ^^"/
/passes the paper back/
Student Sehun 9 years ago
@Student Jay Park *takes the paper, reads it and replies: oh, i'm probably good at that already...*
Student Jay Park 9 years ago
@Student Sehun /reads what he wrote/
/replies with: we learn how to be more submissive and obidient ^^/
Student Sehun 9 years ago
@Student Jay Park *takes the paper and looks at the guys who passed it before opening it, reads it and writes back: Sure, i'm Oh Sehun. Nice to meet you. Uh, what exactly do we learn in this class. I'm sort of confuse.*
*passes it back*
Student Jay Park 9 years ago
@Student Sehun /takes out a paper and a pencil and writes something down before folding it and passing it to the new guy /
It wrote:
'Hey i'm park jaebum~ but you can call me jay park ♡♡♡ wanna be friends?"
Student Sehun 9 years ago
@Student Jay Park *smiles back and listens to the teacher but slightly looks down*
Student Jay Park 9 years ago
@Student Sehun /Looks over at the new student that just entered and flashes a smole towards him/
Student Sehun 9 years ago
*mumbles to myself as I quietly enter* i think I'll ace this class... *sits at the back*
Student Jay Park 9 years ago
@Teacher Leo /looks at the teacher and listens intentively
Student Key 9 years ago
@Teacher Leo As Key and mr.Leo come face to face he can't help but let a chuckle escape this teacher looked like he couldn't handel one class but who knows my he's wrong
Teacher Leo 9 years ago
@Student Jay Park /glances towards you, nodding slightly
Don't worry, I'm new just like you are
We'll take care of each other
/gives you a faint smile before beginning to take roll
Teacher Leo 9 years ago
@Student Key As a new teacher, Taekwoon had a lot to learn. How to handle a class, deal with troublemakers, and to not be a pushover. However, he knew he didn't have that much to worry about. He was beyond prepared, just had to relax. The bell had rung and his first student had come in, introducing himself. "Nice to meet you, Kibum." He replied with a semi smile, flattening out the wrinkles in his shirt. "Let's have a nice year together. Please have a seat."
Student Key 9 years ago
@Student Jay Park *Sees you walking in and smiles softly*
Yup it is~
*watches you then turns to the board once more*
Student Jay Park 9 years ago
/Walks into classroom and bows to everyone/
"Umm... is this submission class since? i-i'm new a-a-and all so i was kinda lost "
/looks around nervously before taking a seat next to the window
Student Key 9 years ago
Sighing deeply as he had walked out of the counselors office glancing at his new schedule seeing his new home room class was Submissive class.
Kibum scoffs and sighed rolling his eyes since he had heard that many teachers had a bit of a problem with Key's feisty attitude so he needed to work on his submissive qualities hopefully this new hadn't gotten the news about him. Once the bell had rang Kibum made his way over to the class walking in taking a glance at the new teacher smiling softly. "Hey there Mr.Jung I'm Kibum your new student but you can call me Key" Kibum smiles softly bowing


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-TheWolvesCry 9 years ago
Sungyeol will be leaving. No one to rp with and its really slow on my profile.
Thank you for having me and I am sorry to go
-TheWolvesCry 9 years ago
Admin sii. Can I go on hiatus. I'll be busy until around the end of Feb. I have an acting thing going on
88efe975b28f3bcdd765 9 years ago
Hi!! Im gonna be leaving Jinyoung im sorry!! The rp just isnt that active anymore and i have no one to rp with that replies more then once a day. So bai!!! I will come back if this place gets more active people
brittini 9 years ago
DO left ..
thebombdiggity 9 years ago
Leo is leaving, thanks for having me
silversorbet 9 years ago
Hello! I'm going to leave Jungkook. I'm just going through some personal things right now and I'm losing motivation to do everything, rpr included. I really loved this place and it's concept and I'm sorry I have to leave. :(
moon_jongup 9 years ago
Jay park will be leaving thanks for having me c:
Biribiribibi 9 years ago
Can you put Jaejoong and Key on haitus please thank you
brittini 9 years ago
kaoru left
PCYbaby 9 years ago
Hey, sorry I left Kris. I just lost inspiration for the character and my boyfriend kinda ditched me soooo yeah. I'll be continuing to play jinki though
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