✄ - - matchmaking rules - -
1-- please comment below the application
if you would like to be matchmade
2-- please me patient! we may not have an
even number of girls and boys to match up. i
use your responses to see who you are the most compatible with,
so it may take a while to be paired up.
3-- please do not ask to be paired with a specific person.
4-- once you are paired, you will be given a set of 3 missions to complete. once you complete them, please let Admin Yoona know if you want to stay together, or want to be paired again with a different person.
5-- application: name / personality in 5 words / quick description of your ideal other (no names please, only traits) / what your character is like in a relationship / looking for a: male or female
✄- - - people to be matchmade - -
Solar Jinwan