Shopping District

광이(。・‧̫・。) [A] 8 years ago
@영이(。・ω・。) /Stops and blinks dumbfoundedly as Youngmin escapes his grip and runs ahead, away from him
/His hands remain in the air as Youngmin runs off
../Furrows his brows and lowers his hands slowly back to his sides
야..~ 영민아 /runs ahead after him
Don't go~ /With a slight soft voice as he hurries after him, getting tired
영이(。・ω・。) [A] 8 years ago
@광이(。・‧̫・。) *Furrows his brows as he eyes the blank floorly..floor blankly, he was upset not because Kwangmin didn't like what he chose, but because he had to choose a different one now than the one he had already chosen before Kwangmin came*
*Takes a light inhale with brows furrowed before exhaling slowly, followed a brief tilt of his tiny mouth on either end*
아- *He stumbles forward unwantingly as Kwangmin pushes him ahead, taking hands out his pockets and holding them ahead to not fall as he tries to stand up steadily*
야~ *Brows furrowing lowly before gritting teeth briefly and running forward to get away from him and out of the aisle, his plan was to get out and around back to the same aisle..he was going to get that plush if he had to run around all day*
훈이{◕ ◡ ◕} [A] 8 years ago
-Looks up at a toy that caught his eye, really wanting to get it because it was his favorite character from Pororo, Eddy the fox, but aside from Pororo himself-
-Turns around with a smile to ask Youngmin or Kwangmin to get it for him but his smile fades as he sees them walking away. Begins to walk after them but stops as he sees a tall figure from the corner of his eye-
-turns his head slowly and looks up at a tall man, his hands at his hips as he looked down on him-
-gulps with brows furrowed then hugs teddy bear closely, tightening his hug because he was scared-
-clenches teeth lightly with mouth closed, then turns head towards where his brothers were...but they weren't there anymore, what should he do. This man looked scary-
-furrows brows upwards as he stares at the empty aisle briefly then lowers brows back and looks back up at the man-
[post deleted by owner]
광이(。・‧̫・。) [A] 8 years ago
@영이(。・ω・。) *Looks around shamelessly, eyes half closed and hands at his sides*
..Mm? *Blinks and stops in front of a toy*
*Frowns neutrally and looks at Youngmin slowly in thought*
.. *Purses lips briefly and quickly grabs toys from either side, covering it*
*Smiles and steps back proudly*
*Looks to the side before blinking as it fades*
..*Blinks before furrowing his brows..this was too much to hide*
*Sighs and walks to the side, pressing his hands against Youngmin's back and pushing him with him, away from the aisle*
영이(。・ω・。) [A] 8 years ago
@광이(。・‧̫・。) *Lowers brows lightly along with his gaze*
*Exhales lightly with mouth closed before side glancing as he turns his little head that way, just eying down the aisle blankly*
*Parts mouth on either end briefly, still eying the floor before eying his little shoes and placing his hands in his little coat pockets, kicking around the floor with a faint side sniff, brows still lowered*
광이(。・‧̫・。) [A] 8 years ago
@영이(。・ω・。) *Nods once with a neutral expression before blinking into a glance towards where Youngmin was pointing*
*Tilts head slowly to the side, eying it with no interest*
..이거? *Sneeringly slightly as he picks it up, eying it*
*Looks from it to Youngmin and lowers brows in question*
싫어. 못생겼어.
*Puts it back on the shelf and dusts his hands before placing them in his pockets*
I'm not gonna let you choose hyung. *Turns to face the shelves* I'll choose.
*Continues looking*
동이(◡‿◡✿) [A] 8 years ago
@민이ヽ(´□`。)ノ *Side glances down towards little Minwoo with eyes half open neutrally and a light parted smile on his face*
. . .
--The two head into the Neighborhood to face Fate, should we keep following? Little Minwoo's aunt is said to be quite scary when in a bad mood--
영이(。・ω・。) [A] 8 years ago
@광이(。・‧̫・。) *Parts mouth with a brief grin before turning head questioningly towards him*
*Blinks, staring at him for a too long moment in thought*
*Tilts mouth on either end briefly before pursing lips as he glances back towards the stuffed toy he had already chosen*
*Lowers gaze pointlessly towards the other toys, trying to find another one they could both get*
음.. *"Thinking"*
.. *Blinks into a brief low side glance before pointing ahead without picking*
Kim Ji Sung [A] 8 years ago
-Looks around with a smile before parting mouth as it fades-
--He sees a little kid along with two other slightly older ones and the kid's blanket was wetting the whole place--
-Shakes head and walks towards the kid-
훈이{◕ ◡ ◕} [A] 8 years ago
-walks as he gazes at the shelves, his first time going into a store like this. His mom never takes him out and rarely gets him any toys, so this was a very special moment of his little life-
-drags the wet blanket across the floor, unknowingly ruining their path on the floor with water-
민이ヽ(´□`。)ノ [A] 8 years ago
@동이(◡‿◡✿) *Purses lips briefly with a nod then grins chucklingly*
고마워 형~ o^-^o 좋아해 *Laughingly before nodding and walks ahead with him to the house..feeling a bit nervous and scared*
동이(◡‿◡✿) [A] 8 years ago
@민이ヽ(´□`。)ノ *Straightens back up with his books and grocery bag in hand*
*Glances at him and reaches a hand out, fixing his hair with a light smile, brows lightly lifted neutrally before eying him*
걱정하지마라~? *Lowering head lightly with a neutral smile before placing his arm around Minwoo's little shoulder*
--The two head over to Little Minwoo's House to apologize to his Angry Aunt, let's follow them and see what happens--
광이(。・‧̫・。) [A] 8 years ago
@영이(。・ω・。) *Lets go of the door after Hyunmin walks in and hurries inside before placing his hands in his pockets and slows down*
*Looks around the shop, it was okay*
*Smiles widely for a moment then hurries to Youngmin hyung*
Hyung..- *Pats his shoulder and stops*
Let's buy matching toys. *Smiles and nods, eyes halfway closed*
영이(。・ω・。) [A] 8 years ago
@광이(。・‧̫・。) *Parts mouth briefly with his head lifted as he eyes the shelves full of stuffed animals and toys before a big smile appearing on his little face*
*Inhales lightly before turning to look back at little Hyunmin and little Kwangmin behind him walking into the Shop*
*Eyes them for a moment with a neutral expression before smiling laughingly*
*Clasps hands together slowly as he turns his gaze back towards the toys and begins walking over to a shelf with big stuffed animals*
민이ヽ(´□`。)ノ [A] 8 years ago
@동이(◡‿◡✿) *Purses his lips with furrowed brows, looking at Donghyun hyung as he calms him down*
*Opens mouth to speak but gasps unwantingly and closes his mouth turning his head away as he sniffs*
.. 알..알았어..*Inhales slowly in a shaky tone and turns to him with a big nod*
네 형
*Frowns briefly and straightens up before looking at him pick his things up*
훈이{◕ ◡ ◕} [A] 8 years ago
@영이(。・ω・。) -Slows down his pace as he sees Youngmin waiting for him at the door, his lips quivering-
-walks closer to them and looks up at Youngmin with mouth tilted on either side, then lowers head and eyes the ground as Youngmin pats his head-
음... -lifts brows as Youngmin heads inside, widening his eyes as he sees the shop full of many toys-
-smiles widely, then clutches blanket tightly with one little hand and holds his teddy bear close to him, walking inside, ignoring Kwangmin's impatience because he was too distracted by the great view-
동이(◡‿◡✿) [A] 8 years ago
@민이ヽ(´□`。)ノ *Closes eyes for a moment as he listens, hearing him talking like that*
.. *Turns head slightly, eying his books and grocery bag on the ground in thought, his hands on little Minwoo's tiny shoulders*
*Lifts his head slightly with a slow inhale before pausing..exhales lightly and turns his gaze back at little Minwoo*
민우야 *Brows lightly lifted neutrally with a slight smile* You can't stay if your aunt is mad at you *Lowers head slightly with a brief nod* Let's go apologize to her first. *Pauses with a neutral slow blink, mouth slightly parted before forming a light smile*
자, 가자 *Letting go of his shoulders and leaning down, picking up his things*
민이ヽ(´□`。)ノ [A] 8 years ago
@동이(◡‿◡✿) *Looks at him with a big parted frown and clenched teeth, sniffing*
우리 이모..~ *Shakily as he looks down then back up*
I didn't mean to ruin it..she's mad at me now..
*Sniffs before holding his arm to his eyes quickly then lowers it*
Can I stay at your house today Donghyun hyung..*Eyes him with brows furrowed upwards and light frown on his ugly face*
동이(◡‿◡✿) [A] 8 years ago
@민이ヽ(´□`。)ノ *Lifts brows lightly in question as he eyes him with a still smile*
"오?" *His smile disappearing in question and quickly lowers his books with his grocery bag on the ground, placing his other hand on his other shoulder as he eyes him with concern*
왜, 무슨일있어? *Speaking lightly as he eyes him with his glasses reflecting the afternoon sun*
민이ヽ(´□`。)ノ [A] 8 years ago
@동이(◡‿◡✿) *Stops with a quiet gasp, who was talking to hi- was Donghyun hyung's calm and soothing voice. just hearing it made his day better*
*Minwoo smiled and turned to him as his smile slowly turns into a frown*
D-..Donghyun hyung~ T__T *His voice shaking as he forms little fists and lowers them to his sides, sniffing*
동이(◡‿◡✿) [A] 8 years ago
@민이ヽ(´□`。)ノ *Lifts brows slowly with a neutral face, mouth slightly parted as he notices little Minwoo*
*Blinks once slowly as he stops walking, still eying him*
민우야 *With his young voice as he begins walking over to him, what was bothering him*
*Places a hand on his little shoulder, stopping him as he lowers his head, eying him*
왜그래, 민우야? *With a light questioning expression on his face, eyes half open neutrally as he forms a slight smile*
광이(。・‧̫・。) [A] 8 years ago
@영이(。・ω・。) *Blinks as he watches him looking at the toys through the glass window*
*Frowns neutrally with slow blinks, sniffing then turns his head to the side, eying the the inside of the shop, a smile slowly appearing on his slightly small but wide face*
*Exhales lightly and turns back to Youngmin, still holding the door open for him*
Hyung kaja~ *furrowing brows as he taps his feet impatiently*
..*Smiles, his face brightening up as Youngmin comes his way, blinks into a glance to little Hyunmin, mouth slightly parted as he eyes him then Youngmin*
.. *Closes his eyes for a moment and rolls gaze to the side, tapping foot and crosses his tiny arms, waiting for Hyunmin to go in, whatever*
영이(。・ω・。) [A] 8 years ago
@광이(。・‧̫・。) *Eyes the Shop's window, seeing the toys*
.. *Closes eyes for a moment before exhaling lightly with a happy tiny grin*
*Turns his gaze towards Kwangmin and nods quickly before hurrying towards the window, he wanted to pick one out before he headed inside..they always saw them, but this time they had money and were able to buy whichever toy they desired today he thought*;c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=VK5GpGSl%2F87w%2BbMVQEwX2Qb4kSsMjzRT42px9gXGqQXyurhSmhwRknKURVY9EW49

*Eyes the toys through the window intently with his eyes smiling brightly*
*Inhales briefly, remembering little Kwangmin had the door open for him*
네! *Furrows brows briefly as he hurries towards him and the open door before taking a quick glance of little Hyunmin and stopping*
*Tilts mouth on either side briefly as he lowers his little head slightly, eying little Hyunmin with his now dampened blanket*
*Stares at him for some time before pursing lips lightly and leaning towards him slightly, patting his little head*
가보자 .. *Lightly before glancing towards little Kwangmin and heading inside the Toy Shop with a light happy exhale*
Lee Byung Hun [A] 8 years ago
-walks down the wet sidewalk from yesterday's rain, hands in pockets with a big grin on his face-
--He was out getting a present for his wife-no occasion just randomly--
-walks in a shop-
민이ヽ(´□`。)ノ [A] 8 years ago
*Sniffs while walking slowly, a big pout on his mouse face*
--His Aunt is mad at him, he ruined the cake she was making for his parents' arrival--
[post deleted by owner]
현이(❁´◡`❁) [A] 8 years ago
-Hurries down the sidewalk, eyes squinted smilingly before gradually slowing down-
-Stops by the store and walks in slowly-


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