Orchestra Hall

["Music is the universal language of mankind."]

S_Cheondung 9 years ago
@T_Sunggyu Y...you're really g...good, sir.
T_Sunggyu(H) 9 years ago
@S_Cheondung *frowns and stands walking towards you*
Well, what did you think?
S_Cheondung 9 years ago
@T_Sunggyu *blushes*
I....ummm...since you...ummm...started playing, sir
T_Sunggyu(H) 9 years ago
@S_Cheondung *blinks and frowns, adjusting my tie*
It's not polite to eavesdrop.
How long have been here?
S_Cheondung 9 years ago
@T_Sunggyu *eyes widen when you spot me*
I...I...I'm sorry, sir
T_Sunggyu(H) 9 years ago
@S_Cheondung *hums and taps my foot along softly*
*finishes the song and opens my eyes, looking around the room*
S_Cheondung 9 years ago
@T_Sunggyu *walks into the room and see you at the piano. quietly sits and listens as you play*
T_Sunggyu(H) 9 years ago
@S_Cheondung *sits at the grand piano at the back of the stage, having not played one in years*
*concentrates with a furrowed brow as I strike the keys, playing a song that I wrote a while ago*
S_Ren [A] 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 6
S_Mir [A] 10 years ago
@Luhan "Okay. See you, hyung." Mir pulled away and laid back against the pillows. He didn't want Luhan to go, but he was right. Visting time would be over soon. Plus, he couldn't be selfish and keep the teacher all to himself. Luhan had other studens to look after, classes to to teach, and a boyfriend to spend time with. The younger fought the urge to rip the IV out of his hand and tried to look cheerful.
T_Luhan [A] 10 years ago
@S_Mir "No problem Mireu~" Luhan smiles and ruffled his hair after he received once again a peck on his cheek. At that Luhan chuckled. "I like you too~" With a smile Luhan looked around. "Maybe I should go now. I have to go back to the shcool get your mangas and come back again. And that before the visitor time ends. So... I have to hurry up, neh?" Luhan looked at the younger and once again ruffled his hair.
S_Mir [A] 10 years ago
@Luhan "Arasso." Mir nodded and gave a soft smile. "Thank you, hyung."he carefully leaned up and pecked the elder's cheek, forgetting about their earlier conversation about skinship. "I love you~"he eyesmiled, burying his face in the teacher's soft, fluffy hair.
T_Luhan [A] 10 years ago
@S_Mir Luhan chuckled and nodded, stuffing the list into his pocket and looking back at the younger. "Really. I bet you two just have to talk for a little and everything will be okay again." The elder smiled honestly at the younger. "If not, then I'm always there for you~"
S_Ren [A] 10 years ago
@Luhan Mir leaned into Luhan's gentle touch. "I don't know... " he watched the teacher read the list. "Really?"he blinked, feeling a little nervous at the thought of talking things over with Kyuhyun. "M-maybe."
T_Luhan [A] 10 years ago
@S_Mir Luhan nodded understanding at the other's words. "I see. But you seemed so happy back then. What makes you think like that??" He asked, looking at the list to check up what the younger had written down. Ruffling the student'S hair he smiled. "I think this might be a big missunderstanding. I had a lot of them with my lover as well. Maybe you two should just speak it out once?"
S_Mir [A] 10 years ago
@Luhan (Ugh my reply is late as well -w-)

"Komawoyo." Mir smiled softly and wrote down the titles of some of his manhwas. The boy shrugged."Well I guess so... but I haven't seen him in a while... and I'm scared that he only wants me for ..."he bit his lip. Cheolyong really didn't want to be used.
T_Luhan [A] 10 years ago
@S_Mir [sorry for the very late reply ._.]

Luhan nodded before standingup and searching for a piece of paper. He came back after he found one and gave it to Mir, the pencil in his pocket also was given to the younger one. Tilting his head though, Luhan couldn't quite believe the other's words. "Me? Being the first one? I don't think so, there has to be someone else as well. I mean... what about Kyu? Didn't he care of you?"
S_Mir [A] 10 years ago
@Luhan Mir nodded and looked around. "I need something to write with."he mumbled. "Oh. Okay...."he looked at his hands. "I've just never really had anyone to do skinship with before, you know?"he looked up at Luhan. "You're the first person to ever really care about me."
S_Mir [A] 10 years ago
@Yunho (Hehe >;D It's true! Lmao)
T_Luhan [A] 10 years ago
@S_Mir Luhan nodded. "That would be nice~. And yes you only would need a few. Three days aren't too much you know~" He blinked though as the younger apologized to him. "What for? I'm just not used to that, that's all~"
S_Yunho 10 years ago
@S_Mir [LOL "I was busy Yunho" xD~~]
S_Mir [A] 10 years ago
@Luhan "Okay~ I'll write down the titles."he chuckled. "I have a whole collection, But I'll only need a few."he nodded. "O-oh."he blushed. "Mianhe."he puffed his cheeks out. He was a kisser. He grew up without much love, so he liked to show his affection as much a possible.
T_Luhan [A] 10 years ago
@S_Mir [it's okay.. I'm slow with replying as well~]

"Mhh uhm, sure. Just tell me which mangas that are you are talking about, since I won't bring you your whole book shelf for only three days." The elder said, half serious and half joking though. Blinking he looked at teh younger. "You like to do skinship, right? I should start counting how often you peck me...~"
S_Mir [A] 10 years ago
@Luhan (Ugh sorry late reply OTL I was busy Yunho xD)

"Oh!" Mir brightened a little. "I do have a laptop and a lot of mangas.!"he nodded. "Will you bring them?"he asked, smiling. Luhan was just too sweet. He really treated Mir well, better than his own family. They hadn't even called to
check on him once. The teen leaned up and pecked the elder's cheek happily. "Lulu hyung is the best~!"
T_Luhan [A] 10 years ago
@S_Mir The elder thought for a bit before speaking up about that boring topic again. "I could bring you something from school you know? I mean, if you have a laptop or anything else you need/want or so. I could get them for you~" He offered, being able to imagine that the other would be pretty bored in here if the visitor times was up.
S_Mir [A] 10 years ago
@Luhan Mir smiled and laid back on the pillow, pulling the blanket up. "Hmm I don't think so."he pouted a bit and played with the IV in his hand. "Aish. It's going to be so boring here for the next few days..."he looked around the room.
T_Luhan [A] 10 years ago
@S_Mir Luhan let the other hug and kiss him like that, only chuckling at that. "You are too cute~... and it's okay. Nothing to thank me for~" He winked at the younger before sitting back on his chair. "Mhh are you allowed to eat already? ... most likely not, right?" Honestly Luhan had no idea what to talk about.
S_Mir [A] 10 years ago
@Luhan Mir smiled, listening to Luhan's words. "Neh~"he nodded happily. "Deal~"he sat up slowly and hugged Luhan. "Thank you, hyung. I love you."he kissed the teacher's cheek. Luhan was so good to him. No one had ever treated him like this. He was such a nice friend.
T_Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@S_Mir Luhan chuckled at the younger's words. "Neh~. I will come every day ig´f you wish so, okay? And after three days I will bring you back to the school, neh? Deal?" He held up his pinky finger to make sure he was promising the younger that he would come and also bring him back home.
S_Mir [A] 11 years ago
@Luhan Mir pouted, listenig to the teacher's words. He had never stayed in the hospital before, and he really did want to go home. "Neh, I guess so..." he mumbled, playing with Luhan's fingers. "Will you come visit me often?"he asked making cute eyes.


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rantani 7 years ago
I'll be leaving the rp as Hyungwon. I'm cleaning out my non-active rps as of now :(
catgirl 8 years ago
Sorry Sehun left wish this rp success!
serpents 8 years ago
Could you please add and reserve Hyuk? (Vixx)
effy101 8 years ago
Can I please have a hiatus until the middle of this month. I'm about to be traveling and won't have much internet connection.
blossomtears 8 years ago
can you add taekwoon for me please?
effy101 8 years ago
What do you mean by looking for a head master?
catgirl 8 years ago
applied as Sehun sorry I forgot his age but I updated it
I left a note as well I hope you don't ignore my application due to leaving the note :(
Really wanna join~
S_CreamForMe 8 years ago
I'm so sorry but Mark tuan is leaving so soon
I thought that I was ready for a new character, but it just doesn't feel right
Thanks for accepting me anyway and I wish you all the best
S_CreamForMe 8 years ago
I applied for mark
S_CreamForMe 8 years ago
Is Mark from Got7 free?
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