Pet Shop

The Pet Shop
About the Room
The pets being sold here are either full animals that walk on two legs or mostly human animals that have ears and tails.


Sulli (Cat girl, human with ears and tail)
Price: 500 points
© Made by #HYFR Layout Gallery.
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silvermist1116 8 years ago
Lee Hi and Jinhoo left.
brittini 8 years ago
Can you reserve Nagito please ?
Biribiribibi 8 years ago
Hi can you reserve Kim Jinhee please
flamestorm 8 years ago
Hello there?
Could you add and reserve got7 youngjae and twice momo?
Thank you
sonathea 8 years ago
Can you please add SHINee's Taemin and my second character will be Krystal.
silvermist1116 8 years ago
Is it mandatory to have two accounts? Like part of the rp to make it fun?
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