
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
Walks into the room and studies =
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) (can you countiue in the dinning hall then
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) [I think we should transfer to wall at this rate. xD Though if there's any other room we can use for this, then maybe could just transfer there. xD]
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) up to you XD )
Sunki chirped sligtl in thought as he closed his eyes while he ran and let go of her finding some food to use to bake and laguhs "I know I can make a strawberry short cake mini " he said happily nad ran around like a hyper person to grab what he needs to do. "An I can make them into bite size and share them with everyone" he said to himself and started baked
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) The way Sunki took her by the hand and dragged her away just made the female laugh. Okay, this Sunbae is /definitely/ a dotable-slash-doting-younger-brother type. For someone who was the younger of two siblings, this was actually refreshing for her to experience. "Aigoo, don't go too fast, Sunki Sunbae!" She said while following through with his motions. "But I think everything sounds like a good option, so just stick with which is most convenient for you to do!"

[Will we change rooms or not? xD]
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) :I can bake cakes cookies and chocolate" he said happily nad took her hand and smiled softly nad dragged her to the kitchen area with hsi bag around his back and smiled "What do you want noona?" he asked the other happily
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) At the question, the female found herself thinking. Well, it's not like she was hungry, but she's certainly not full either. If the young Sunbae was offering her some baked stuff, then who was she to say no? With a smile, and a quick picking up of her notebook, Jinhee answered with "I'm still good, but I'm interested to see what you can make. I like to have a few pastries and baked stuff once in a while."
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) nodding he smiled and put the rock bak into hsi bag and nodded thanking her for spending time colorign "are you hungry?" he asjed titing head slightly and nodded to himself and smiled at her "I can bake snacks" he cheered
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) Jinhee chuckled. "It's cool, but I'm okay. I told you, I can't have pets when I'm very much into training... no matter if they're high maintenance pets or not." Upon hearing the male, she fixed up the coloring book and crayons she was given, then handed it back to Sunki. "Here. Thanks for letting me use them." Upon being asked, she just grinned. "If it's not a bother to you, then I don't see why I won't want to. Let's go?"
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) "I am luck to have fluffy he is always wiht em no batter where I go" he said with cute eyes "do you want a pet rock to I can get you one" he said happily and smiled picking up the rock onc emroe nad held it to his chest "I am done do you want to take a walk with me"
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) "Well, I've always wanted to have one." was the female's honest answer. "But I couldn't really have any because my mother is asthmatic, so furry pets won't do. Not to mention my family travels to and from Korea often, so a pet really can't stay too long in our house." With a shrug, the female just grinned. "But I guess I got over it eventually. I don't think I can train here properly if I still have a pet to take care of. I'm a one-track-minded person when it comes to training and studying."
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) Smiling he nodded before taking the rock back and putting the leash on the rock and started to pet it "go play fluffy " he said placing the rock on the ground. "neh he is almost two weeks old" he said with a bright smile on his face. he looked at her with wide eyes "do you have a pet?" he asked with curious eyes
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) Upon the male's explanation on who the guy he calls his hyung is, realization crept into Jinhee's features. "Oh. Jay, as in Jay Moon?" Though she couldn't help but chuckle upon meeting the pet rock, and as she held it, she looked at Sunki in interest. "So this guy's name is fluffy, huh. How long have you had him?" Talking to male like this sent a spike of happiness to her, he seems like a really cute younger brother despite being practically a sunbae.
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) "neh" he said happily nad smiled reaching into his bag pulling out a rock "this is fluffy the rock" (the pet is on my wall) he said and let her hold the rock and smiled brightly "neh my hyung the one I prefomed with Jay hyungie he takes care of me, he is always there for me when I need him to be" he said to the other
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) Jinhee was pleasantly surprised to hear those words about Sunki regarding her mentor. "I guess he really is as cool as I thought he was. I'm glad he's my mentor." She said softly, then broke out into soft chuckles, but laughed fully when she saw the younger hopping around. "Your hyung? Who among them?" She asked after hearing the other's words.
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) "Willow Sunbae " he mumbled and smiled softly and giggled softly and tilted his head for a moment and cooed happily and nods "He is the best he helped me out back in the old days" he said "he helped me fluffy" he said happily and hiopped around "/neh but the traniees are cool too my hyung is there as well" he said to her nad smiled "thank you so much noona"
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) Looking back at the male, Jinhee answered. "Oh, me? I'm under Willow Sunbae-nim." She smiled at him after. "I'm really happy that I can be taught by someone who is already set on debuting. He must be pretty busy but he was willing to take me in as a mentee." A chuckle escaped her lips at this, it wasn't really a surprise. Just looking at those sunbaes and seeing how talented they all are, who wouldn't be happy and excited being mentored by them? "Wow, two mentees. That must be hard work for you... but I'm pretty sure you can handle them well. You're nice."
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) "neh" he said happily and bows "I will help you the best I can so who is your main mentor?" he askd the other with wide eyes" have two at the moment" he said and smiled and nods "neh if you want to" he said to the other with a bright smile on his fae
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) "Then I'll be depending on you... Sunki Sunbae." Jinhee teasingly replied, stopping her coloring momentarily to speak and chuckling afterwards. "Well, it fits right up my alley of expertise. Maybe we can have a few vocal sessions or jamming sessions sometime?" She said, smiling. "I'm pretty sure you have a really good voice, if you're already mentor-level."
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) "neh neh" he said softly and tilted his head for a moment and giggled softly and looks at her and smiled softly "neh it has" he said to the other one and drew hearts on his paper and looks at her and smiled "I am so happy to help you anytime you need help" he said to the other and smiled at the elder female and nods in though "singing and dancing" he said to the toher
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) "Wow. That's a really early start." The tone of Jinhee's voice sounded pleasantly surprised at Sunki's words. "So, it's been your dream ever since you were young?" She added while continuing the coloring - this was actually pretty therapeutic for some reason. Maybe she'll try to buy some other coloring books and do this when she gets too stressed... "Alright, then. I'll be approaching you when I need training sessions." She said in reply before chuckling again. "What's your specialty by the way?"
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) "So your my noona" he said with cute eyes and giggled happily and titled his head once more and went back to coloring and hummmed softly and smied "I been here for a while really" he said "I was here since I was a chikd" he said "I am one of the younger ones so if you have any questions come ot me okay" he said with a smile on his face
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) Jinhee smiled back, taking the stuff he handed her, then chuckled after hearing him say his name. "Jinhee. I'm a new trainee here. 17." She said, turning my head to laugh softly. "It seems so many people I end up meeting are actually younger than me... and they're already mentors." Taking a crayon and starting to run her hands on one of the pages, the female chose of the smaller drawings and began to fill it with color, her hand light on the crayon and on the page. "You guys must be really talented to be mentors while being so young..."
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) "Yay" he cheered cutely and smield "My name is Sunki" he said cutely and tilted his head for a moment and giggled softly as he gave his crayons to the other and gave her a coloring book and started to color again and hummed softly and he smiled softly nad tilted his head for a moment.

"I am 15 years old and I am a mentor" he said happily to the other and hummed softly the song once more and looked at everyon
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) Okay, she had just revealed her childhood... not that she was that old anyways. Jinhee just found herself chucking at the other's words then shyly smiling. "Sorry. That's where I first heard the song, or at least I /think/ I heard the song." She said, then looked at the objects he was holding. Coloring? Well, it's been a pretty long time since she actually held crayons - or actually drew something for that matter... maybe she can, yeah.

"Alright. Sure then." She replied, then moved her seat closer to the male, abandoning the seat she was previously on. "If it's alright with you..."
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) smiling softly while he was coloring softly adn hummed softly and looked up with wide eyes and titled his head for a moment "I heard this song before while learning its from Power puff girls?" he asked with wide eyes and puffed out his cheeks and giggles softly flipping his page nad holds his crayons.

"I am coloring do you want to color with me?" he asked with a bunny look and smiles cheekly and held his crayons to his chest.
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) One thing that people noticed about Song Jinhee in her quietness is that her ears pick up things people say or sing from far away - again, that happens when she's quiet, and most of the time, she is - and so when she heard this singing from someone else in the room, she immediately stopped her vocal review and looked towards the direction of the sound... only to grin.

"Is that the song from the Powerpuff girls?" She couldn't help but ask softly, then chuckled a bit. "Or am I just mistaking you singing for something else?"
*Cho Sunki (g̷o̷n̷g̷c̷h̷a̷n̷) 8 years ago
@`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) (It's cool)

Walking through the the room he held some of his books he had with him some kid books and colors book that taught different colors in Chinese. A box of crayon in his hands he looked aournd for a open seat and sat down when he found one. Taking out the crayons he placed them on the side and started to color singing softly while he did.
Open your eyes and take in everything that you see
Look at all the colors, red, yellow, blue, & green
We can take an airplane and fly across the globe
Look down upon the colors, everyone come on, let's go

Love, love, love, la la love
La la love makes the world go 'round
Love, love, love, la la love
La la love makes the world go 'round

he sang softly and colored while he did so smiling soflty
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@*CHO SUNKI (gongchan) [I hope you don't mind that I chose morning as a setting. :D]

Jinhee almost let out a yawn when she entered the still relatively-empty language room one morning, but fortunately didn't. The first night a person spends in an entirely new environment really doesn't make for good sleep, and she'd have to suffer through it. Carrying a notebook she brought with hr back from Manila, one containing various lessons she compiled from her foreign language classes back there, she took a seat near the window, a little bit towards the middle portion - then sat down and placed her chin on her hand as she looked past the window. Gee, how is her sister now? Are their parents overloading her with work? Hopefully they aren't - her sister already did a lot to save her from doing business work - they don't have to be so harsh to her...

With a sigh, she opened her notebook and started reading through her notes. Okay, it's time to read the basic French lesson notes she had... again.

"Numbers one through five are un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq..."
`Song Jinhee (k̷w̷o̷n̷ s̷u̷j̷e̷o̷n̷g̷) 8 years ago
@Jeon Wonwoo -takes it, smiling still- A similarly new face, then. I'm literally a newbie around here as well. -chuckles, then glances on my notebook- Yeah, I'm a trainee, too. So I guess we're both new-bloods around here, huh? -chuckles slightly again-


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wolfkissed 6 years ago
Dean is leaving, hmu when you are about to revamp!
LightningStryk 8 years ago
Nari left, I'm sorry =(
If you guys plan on revamping, hmu!
cherryknot 8 years ago
cries i can't believe i missed this ;; missed new world ent. so so so much ;;
DixieQueen 8 years ago
Zan (junkai) will be leaving. I'm not even active here and it would be pointless for me to stay here.
xyrispetal 8 years ago
zhao junhao will be leaving. haven't been active lately and don't want to take up space
75bd8d51488fd100f027 8 years ago
Doing a little bit of spring cleaning to my characters because I'm heading into my Honors year
at University, so unfortunately Aiden/Junhui is gonna be leaving... for now. <3
thewallflower 8 years ago
Nayeon is leaving. I definitely do not want to take up space of a character I do not roleplay very much nowadays. Therefore, thank you for letting me be a part of this wonderful roleplay. All the best <3
sonicapocalypse 8 years ago
Thank you so much for having me, but I think it's time Sujeong/Jinhee take her leave. I've had so much fun in this roleplay as this one was the first I joined after coming back to RPR after more than a year or two. So, really, it has a special place in my heart. But my university workload is now beginning to take a toll on me, and I'm drowning in the amount of stuff I have to do since it's my last semester. I've also become inactive here, and I don't think the RP deserves that. Thank you very much, again.
Everme29 8 years ago
Lia is leaving
23fe4f75c068b1047813 8 years ago
hansolo left after a long time of being inactive
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