✧ Biology Class

Professor: Kim Jonghyun

✧Jimin 8 years ago
"Someone hurt you?" Jimin asked softly, looking horrified. "Let me get you a cake to eat so you can take your pills, and I'll bring you some more food." Jimin said, grabbing a snack cake and a pill bottle. "Let's get you healed up before you go fighting the world, okay?"
SH✮Taehyung 8 years ago
@✧Jimin Taehyung just laid there in the bed and tried to move, but everything was just so sore. He could barely move with something not aching. Just breathing was hard enough right now. He looked at the other and shook his head. "You didnt wake me up... Youre fine..." Takes a deep breath and looks up at you. "Yes... Pain is a big right now and I dont mind eating..." He looked at the other and shook his head. "Fall wasnt the bad part... Those stupid ers... Im going to get them... so hard."
✧Jimin 8 years ago
@SH✮Taehyung Jimin slowly opened his eyes when he heard someone talking. He yawned sleepily and looked up, then pushed himself up quickly, knowing it wasn't very professional to be caught sleeping. "O-oh, I'm sorry, I meant to wake up before you." He said, looking sincerely disappointed in himself. "Are you in pain? Do you want to eat? I can order some food now, and give you more pain pills. You...you really took a nasty fall last night. I was worried about you..."
SH✮Taehyung 8 years ago
@✧Jimin Taehyung was out cold on the bed. He was never the one to really sleep either, but it was very nice to have a good bed like the one in his apartment in the city. He slept the whole night not even knowing that the angel like teacher came back into the room. He didnt wake til the next morning and rubbed his head some. "Oh.. ." He opened his one good eye and saw that there was more to the room. THis wasnt his room and he saw the other in a beanbag chair. "mmmmm... ummm. Oi. hello?"
✧Jimin 8 years ago
@SH✮Taehyung Jimin looked honestly concerned when he didn't hear an answer, but when he spotted the other sleep on his bed he decided it was alright. He set the pastries down beside the bed and drank the milk himself so it wouldn't go to waste. He went to the corner of the room and pulled the beanbag chair out from under the desk, setting it in the middle of the floor and grabbing one of the spare blankets from inside the closet before curling up on it and going to sleep.
SH✮Taehyung 8 years ago
@✧Jimin Taehyung didnt say anything except admire that smile that was on his face. It was really weird to have him kiss his forhead. IT was odd, he was the only one to do that to people, not the other way around. He bit his lip and nodded. He never really been taken care of before and it made a weird feeling in his stomach. "That will.. be impossible." He sighed and closed his eyes. He was out the time the door was closed. He didnt say anything but was breathly shallowing just sleeping
✧Jimin 8 years ago
@SH✮Taehyung JImin's smile widened drastically when the other spoke again. "Good." Jimin said. "I'll get you both when you wake up." Jimin kissed the boy's head, not really thinking much of the action, and he stood back from the bed. "Don't go to sleep until I come back, okay?" He said softly, slipping out of the room and hurrying down to the staff lounge. They had some slightly better food in there, and he grabbed a few pastries and some milk before coming back to his room. "Still in here?" He called out hopefully.
SH✮Taehyung 8 years ago
@✧Jimin Taehyung just closed his eyes. THe elder's bed felt a lot better than his own dorm bed. They were still treated like criminals and well that is what he got in his room, even though he decorated to make it look less of a prision. He looked at the other. "Sure.... w-what ever you say.. angel." He took a deep breath and opened his eyes when he was offering him to get outside food. "Both... sounds sooo... f-ing amazing...Ill stay here as long as you want"
✧Jimin 8 years ago
@SH✮Taehyung Jimin smiled softly, his heart breaking for the boy. "Well...how about I get you some of that food to hold you over, and then you can rest for a bit." Jimin said softly. "And then, when you wake up, I'll buy you something delicious. Outside food - whatever you want. Pizza, chicken...anything." Jimin promised. "As a thank you, for letting me check on your wounds and care for you."
SH✮Taehyung 8 years ago
@✧Jimin Taehyung was just in a big amount of pain at the moment. He didnt say anything and looked at the other laying down on the mattress. He tilted his head and nodded a bit. "Yes.... I-ill stay here." He looked up at the man who was caring for it. It was very different from the others and shrugged. "I d-dont know... the food.. here is ...."
✧Jimin 8 years ago
@SH✮Taehyung Jimin looked sincerely alarmed at that. "Will you stay here while I get you something to eat?" He asked softly, reaching up and gently petting the boys hair back from his face. "What are you hungry for? I'll get you anything you want, sweetie. Just say the word." He said softly, looking gently into Taehyung's eyes.
SH✮Taehyung 8 years ago
@✧Jimin [] one i thought you never replied I'm so sorry

Taehyung laid on the bed and didn't say anything really and looked at the other. He swallowed the pills with easy. /'urging to get this pain away. The cleaning of his cuts stung. )3 frosted and his eyes rolled his back fur to the pain."I dunno like two days ago or some ...." he breathed hard and closed his eyes not saying anything else
✧Jimin 8 years ago
@SH✮Taehyung Jimin frowned, getting some pain killers and bringing them to the boy. "Here, swallow these. It'll help with the pain." Jimin whispered, not wanting to be too loud and upset the boy. He his lips, starting to clean up the cuts and checking for major internal damage before stitching him up. "When's the last time you ate, sweetie? I can get you something to snack on if you're hungry. Or you can sleep. I'll watch over you until you're ready to wake up." Jimin whispered, feeling awful that the poor boy was so injured.
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SH✮Taehyung 8 years ago
@✧Jimin Taehyung laid on the bed and he felt comfortable finally for the first time. He felt the other take off his shirt and there were cuts. There were cuts and the tattoos that were around his body. "Do your best... I dont care im already hurting everywhere."
✧Jimin 8 years ago
@SH✮Taehyung Jimin blinked as he laid the boy down on his bed, immediately getting his first aid stuff and starting to strip the boy. "Let me know if something hurts too much, okay?" Jimin said softly, starting to clean up the various wounds.
SH✮Taehyung 8 years ago
@✧Jimin Taehyung leaned on the other more. He didnt care and just needed to lay down and soon. "I-I dont care.... I would.. really.. like a bed..." He sighed some and closed his eyes trying to follow the best he could taking shallow breathes.. "V-very... is sipping.." He groaned and continued to follow and they were at his room in no time. He didnt see the room and just wanted to lay down. "and then some...."
✧Jimin 8 years ago
@SH✮Taehyung Jimin scooped Taehyung even closer. "Do you want me to take you to my room? It's not my office, but I have the stuff I need to patch you up there." Jimin offered, starting to carry him. "Are you dizzy? , you're losing a lot of blood honey. Let's go get you stitched up." He said softly, heading for his bedroom and managing to fish out his keys on the way, unlocking the door and heading in. "Don't try to breath too deep. I think you cracked a rib, and it'll take a little while to heal."
[post deleted by owner]
SH✮Taehyung 8 years ago
@✧Jimin "O-only you.... ing.. son of a ...." Taehyung just clutches to his sides, there is so many things that hurt and thanks to his dark clothes it made it harder to see where he was bleeding. He felt wet patches but didnt know where exactly. He looked at the other with his one good eye and he seemed good enough to trust at this moment. Was he crying? He didnt know him that was just odd. He leaned on the other heavily and everything was spinning..."ing... e-everything... b-b-breathing hurts..... shiiit." He groaned again closing his eyes, he wanted to take a deep breath but he just couldnt
✧Jimin 8 years ago
@SH✮Taehyung "Sweetheart, please." Jimin said softly. "I just want to check on you, I want to make sure you're okay. You don't have to tell me what happened, I just want to bandage you up." Jimin stood up, gently helping to scoop him up. "Tell me what hurts, okay? I'll get you fixed up." He had tears in his eyes, his heart soft for people in pain. He wanted to help this boy and make sure he was going to recover from these injuries. His heart hurt for him.
SH✮Taehyung 8 years ago
@✧Jimin Taehyung hit the lower floor and all he could see was stars floating around in the darkness. His vision was very messed up at this point and he was in pain. Everything hurt, breathing hurt, now every pant he took there was a sharpness in his chest. He hated that and he needed to get those guys back for what they did to him. He was going to get them after this and well he would do twice the damage. He laid on the floor thinking how would he get back up those stairs. He probably wouldnt be able to do that all on his own. He laid there thinking he might as well take a nap and work on it later. He heard the doors open and the screams were muffles in his ear from far away. He thought they were going to kill him. He blinked a few times to see a stranger in front of him. He groaned and shook his head when he asked if he was ok. "n-n-no nurse......" he took a deep breath "may...be..."
✧Jimin 8 years ago
@SH✮Taehyung Jimin was wondering through the halls, curiosity on his side as he explored this new school he was going to be working at. He didn't know much about the students here, other than that they were all technically criminals, but he tried to see the best in everyone, and he kind of figured a lot of these kids just needed guidance into a better lifestyle. He smiled a bit to himself, hoping he'd be able to help someone during his stay here, and he turned the corner just as he heard a loud series of thuds and swears. He blinked for a moment before running toward the source of the noise, wanting to make sure no one got hurt, and he gasped in shock when he saw the state of the kid laying at the bottom of the stairs. "Oh my god! Oh my god, are you okay?" He asked frantically, moving closer to inspect the damage. "We have to get you to the nurse's office - my office. We have to get you bandaged up. Can you walk?"
SH✮Taehyung 8 years ago
@✧Jimin Taehyung was jumped from a deal gone wrong. Just yet another one. This was not his week, he had three bad deals smuggling in the drugs and someone got a little to addicted and had hired some of the other students to jump him. He was hurt bad and he hated the nurse. He needed to get away before one of them stabbed him with a shiv or a shank. He was not going to deal with that. His lackees were somewhere else and he was alone. His vision was blurry already and his head throbbing. He just needed to find somewehre to hide. That was not his style but something necessary. He opened the door and he fell down the stairs. "!." Thuds were heard as he tumbled down and a louder one when he reached the lower level. He groaned in pained.


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Starlight-Inspirit 7 years ago
Sorry, But Joshua is leaving, Thanks for having me though!
chicagorainbow 8 years ago
Wonwoo left
MissRoyale 8 years ago
Taehyung is leaving
tangerines 8 years ago
Do you accept international?
mochinekokun 8 years ago
Jungkook is back from hiatus
wannawink 8 years ago
Hello there, GOT7's Mark is leaving. Thank you for the time here
mochinekokun 8 years ago
Jungkook will be on hiatus for a minimum of 2 weeks because of exams
Falsehope 8 years ago
add kim taehyung for me
monstatrash 8 years ago
please add shin wonho
monstatrash 8 years ago
please add shin wonho
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