@moon bin *laughs softly and holds it away from you when
you try to reach for it*
its not that dangerous~ pft- if i can handle an ax, i can handle a flamethrower.
*nods and accidentally push on the trigger watching it burn the sofa*
*blinks with wide eyes and looks at the burning sofa then back at you*
hehe-... you can have it. *smiles innocently and hands you the flamethrower before running out to the back yard*
@ji hansol Yeah. It came to me. more frightening than horror movies.
/tries to reach it from you/ Give me- give!
/shrieks more seeing your grin/ No no no! It's dangerous son.
@moon bin *raises a brow at you and laughs softly*
almost killed you?? aigoo~
*keeps the flamethrower away from you*
No! Your going to burn the house down!!
..i want to hold it. *smirks as i look down at the weapon*
you can trust me, right~? *grins widely almost evilly*
@ji hansol They're not innocent, one of them almost kill me. /jawdrops when you stole the flamethrower/
There's got to be more of them around. Let me hold that for my own protection.
/holds out my hand for you to give me the flamethrower/
@moon bin *watches you take something out from the closet and eyes widen a bit*
*gets up and stops you as i chuckle lightly*
Calm down, father. No need to go savage against two innocent spiders. They're free now.
*stares at the flamethrower that your holding and tries to take it from you*
@ji hansol /takes a deep breath as soon as i open my eyes/
/is already going to get a flamethrower just to kill the spider/
@moon bin *watches as the spider crawls out to the back yard where you throw the broom out the window*
*gets up and see the two spiders reunite again and crawl somewhere else*
*quickly goes back to you and pats your cheek gently*
Yah..you can wake up now. The spider crawled off into the wild. *laughs softly*
*stares at you* YAH! *smacks your arm lightly*
@moon bin *laughs at you and looks back at the spider*
Its not going to eat you. *lets the spider sit on my hand*
*blinks and looks at you only to see you on the floor; eyes widen and gets on my knees letting the spider down and it stands next to your face*
*shakes you gently and pats your cheek lightly*
@ji hansol A SPIDER SON. A HUMAN EATING SPIDER. /sulks dramatically/ It has invaded the world.
Damn, son. KILL IT! KILL THE SPIDER BEFORE IT EATS ME. It's not little.
It's like the size of my palm! /huffs angrily when you still didn't kill it/ Don't touch it.
It will eat you too. Oh my - What... wha- /my face turned horribly pale and then faints/
@moon bin wha- *blinks widely when you run up to me and hide behind me*
there's a what? *looks at you and shakes you lightly*
YAH!! CALM DOWN!! its just a little spider.. *laughs softly*
*looks around and sees it on the coffee table*
*holds my hand out and lets the spider crawl on my hand since i'm wearing gloves*
see~ not that scary~ *smiles as i look at the spider*
*goes to you and holds it out to you*
@ji hansol /stares widely at the spider as it doesn't move/ SONNNNNNNNNNNN HELP ME! /runs to you the moment i saw you/ THERE'S A-.. OMYGOD... THERE'S A SPIDE- /points at where it was a while ago, it was no longer there, screams more like a little ghost girl from old movies/ SON, I'M LEAVING-- NO, I CAN'T LEAVE THIS PLACE BUT--- /screams/
@moon bin *shrugs and chuckles lightly as i continue to sweep the floor*
Any reward is fine~ maybe we can go drinking later...or maybe head to the cafe afterwards.
*opens the doors to the back yard only to hear you shriek loudly and toss the broom out the window*
*blinks and looks at you when you scream like a little girl; laughs*
Why are you screaming? *goes over to you*
@ji hansol Yeah of course, what else can you do? /puts on a mask as well/ what reward?
It doesn't sound good when you say it. /dusts the ceiling with a long stemmed broom/
Poor chandelier. /dusts it carefully and sees two spider coming out and climbing down the broom quickly, shrieks horribly and tosses the broom out the window, breaking it/
THERE'S STILL ANOTHER ONE. /screams like a little girl/
@moon bin *catches the cleaning kit and looks at you*
you want me to clean???? *sighs*
fine i'll help you clean but i get a reward afterwards. *chuckles and puts on the mouth mask before starting to sweep the floor*
@ji hansol yah. I can't believe you lazy bum. /tosses you another cleaning kit/
You... help me clean up the house.
Tae can't clean up the house because it's too dirty.
Also bad for his and my grandchild's health.
@moon bin fine...clean it. i'm done with dramas..
*plops onto the couch only to have dust puff up
into the air*
*coughs and gasps lightly as i hit my chest*
TOO DUSTY!!! *waves my hand in front of my face fanning the dust away*
@t-yong and you didn't even bother to clean the place? How ridiculous! /was shock of your reaction, you looking like a scaredy cat/ PFT- I THINK I LIKE THIS PLACE BETTER LIKE THIS. I like haunted houses better. /grins at you with a thumb up/
@moon bin I DIDNT ABANDONED THIS PLACE 2 MONTHS AGO!! IT WAS 1 MONTH AGO BECAUSE I CAME AND VISIT!! *covers my mouth with my hand and tries not to breath the air* Rats.... RATS? *screams and runs over to you* DAD I THINK ITS TIME FOR YOU TO CLEAN UP AND UPGRADE THIS HOUSE! IT LOOKS MORE LIKE A HAUNTED HOUSE