@Bora *also grabs a cup from the cupboard* I like it so far *smiles* Though, I get really lonely when you don't have someone to play with *frowns and pours milk in the glass*
*smiles and nods*
That's why you didn't look very familiar. I am Bora! Nice to meet you Yoona. How do you like the house so far?
*went over to the fridge and pulled the grape juice and got a class from the cupboard*
@Bora *looks back and was about to speak until I let out a huge yawn instead* I'm Yoona *stops yawning and grabs a milk bottle from the fridge* I'm new in this house but I also just woke up *laughs* What's your name?
*rubs my stomach as I walk in the kitchen* What's there to eat? I'm starving... *frowns and walks over to the fridge, opening it to check for any food*
I would like to enter the House as the candy sweet BoA
Room: http://decoholic.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/dream_interior_design_ideas_for_teenage_girl_s_rooms17.jpg