@hyoyeon *links my arms in yours*
let's go home okay?
i'll send a text to people in the chat about the get together~
thank you sweetie!
snsd slaying alway~
@hyoyeon *sighs and takes one last bite of my food*
Thank you Hyo~
but I don't think your skinny arm will do me any good.
I think so too.
Are you ready?
@hyoyeon *laughs at your expression*
*bows my head to you when you pass me the juice
and takes a sip*
Yesss I'm sure.
Why would you think that?
@hyoyeon I'll tell Taemin and Ten since they're your showmates and they can tell their members.
*smiles at you*
You like it? How about unnie pays for this one okay?
@hyoyeon I'm sure you'll do amazing.
Our hoobaes Ten and Taemin will also be there~
Maybe we could have a party or something you all.
*looks up and bows at the waiter when he brings our stuff*
@hyoyeon *nods and calls over the waiter, who brings us water and takes our orders*
*looks over at you and grins*
So, Hyo... are your ready for your upcoming show?
It's coming out like next week or so, right?