OOC Chat

Stay a while. Chat. Talk about whatever you like. Just don't summon the admins without good reason. We might bite.
(Admin Jay Park says we won't, but Admin Xiumin fails to agree. Zelo says beware Xiumin)

[M] Jay Park [A] 7 years ago
[post deleted by owner]
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
I feel abandoned
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
I really miss my active friends. :(
[S] Heechul (hiatus) 8 years ago
My mother officially loves me!
She said Hot Pink
And I started singing EXID.
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
@Heechul Yeah XD
[S] Heechul (hiatus) 8 years ago
@[S] Zelo ooooh I see.
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
@Heechul Ironhide and sideswipe tie for third.
I have an obsession with bee because as a kid my brother got all the transformer toys and the only one I was allowed to play with was bee. And then one of our neighbors got the same car... so yeah...
[S] Heechul (hiatus) 8 years ago
@[S] Zelo Jazz then Drift then Sideswipe then Ironhide XD
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
@Heechul XD exactly! Jaz then Bee for me.
[S] Heechul (hiatus) 8 years ago
@[S] Zelo I have no idea...
That's tbh probably why I rewatch the first movie a million times and then I watch the ancient cartoons bwah ha
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
@Heechul Jaz was fantastic! Why did they have to kill him?!
[S] Heechul (hiatus) 8 years ago
@[S] Zelo Transformers are life. Jazz is the best... just sayin'
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
@Heechul -snort-
Oh well what can you do
And yes! Transformers!!!!
[S] Heechul (hiatus) 8 years ago
@[S] Zelo I'm called the wrong gender cos 99% of my stuff is pink DX still like action movies, cars, and explosions... especially Transformers
Yes, I am *hugs and pats back*
Well, I'm the only boy I know that does XD
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
@Heechul Yeah that's definitely not the case for my family. My brother and father at time. So does my sister yet they joke about me being born the wrong gender. Just because I like action movies, cars, explosions, and other such things. :/
Wait you're male? And you rp ? Omg! -glomps-
I now know two boys that do!!!
[S] Heechul (hiatus) 8 years ago
@[S] Zelo I can't tell you, I have no idea. It's pretty much the same in this house, my friends joke I'm the only guy who can keep track of time better than a girl.
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
@Heechul seriously tho- WTF? It makes no sense woman! Normally my mother's the one good with time and stuff and my father messes everything up and ... this was ridiculous
[S] Heechul (hiatus) 8 years ago
@[S] Zelo My mother stays out all day when she leaves to get bread and milk.
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
When your mother says she'll only be gone for 2 hours and is going on 5..... like WTF? You had lunch and an hour long meeting.... how are you still out?
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
@Heechul I saw! And replied :3
[S] Heechul (hiatus) 8 years ago
@[S] Zelo Done~
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
@Heechul It's fine. I was showering. :) take your time.
[S] Heechul (hiatus) 8 years ago
@[S] Zelo Gimme few minutes. Working on my actual profile for once .-.
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
Awake now. Ready when people are
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
@[S] Yu Hamin Np. Ok, good luck! ^^
[S] Yu Hamin 8 years ago
@[S] Zelo Thank you ^_^ I hope I will be able to be here more often again
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
@[S] Yu Hamin Aww -cuddles- I could never hate you for something so silly. We all have busy times
[S] Yu Hamin 8 years ago
@[S] Zelo Glad to hear that :D <3 Don't hate me^^
[S] Zelo 8 years ago
@[S] Yu Hamin Aww it's fine sweetheart!


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Hana1997 8 years ago
Can I get Niel of TeenTop?
amadeus 8 years ago
Still active?

If so, I'd like Yoongi~
Zeloinator 8 years ago
AnR Ren from NU'EST please!!
Virypandi 8 years ago
is this place open and accepting ???
forsaken_flower 8 years ago
Sorry, yuuki had to leave ;;
sundestroyer 8 years ago
Could you add Heechul from SuJu for me? ^o^
[comment deleted by owner]
Jimin_99 8 years ago
please add ten for me~ <3
JagerBombHot 8 years ago
Hello, I'm a bit confused; what category would a dominant bottom fit in as there is no switch option available? ^^;
forsaken_flower 8 years ago
And besides, im quite knowledgeable in xD
Are you taking Japanese characters?
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