@krystal You did it yourself? That's amazing! Then i'll eat it well
/smiles and takes a bite of it
Mm! So good!
/smiles and nods
Oh really? What do you usually bake?
@moonbyul *Blushes sheepishly* Your welcome I hope you like it, I made it myself*Blushes bashfully* I'm doing well for the most part, I've been doing alot of baking lately
@jihyun *Blushes bashfully when you peck me on the cheeks* Than if where both okay with it we should be a couple right?* Cuddles up close to you and kisses you on the cheek softly*
@jihyun *Blushes in embarrassment as I rub my bottom* Owwie.... Hehehehe..Oh don't worry I'm like a total klutz sometimes it's kinda of embarrassing* Giggles nervously*
@krystal It's fine, I loved being hugged and cuddled at the same time~
/smiles softly until you fell on your backside before I help you up
Are you ok, unnie?
@jihyun *Blushes in embarrassment* Eep!!! I'm so sorry... Was I being to forward by hugging you out of nowhere like that... I didn't even ask if you wanted to cuddled...*Breaks the hug nervously and falls backwards on my backside like a total klutz* Owwie.....
@jihyun *Eyes water up as tears of blissful joy run down my face* I could never reject you not when mean so much to me... You're just to perfect...* Hugs you tenderly, while crying happy tears in your arms*
@krystal /shakes my head
No it's not
/smiles softly
Because I feel the same way, it's just that I was afraid you will reject me and won't talk to me again...
/shyly blushes
@jihyun *Blushes nervously* I'm sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable. The last thing I want to do is upset you...*Blushes more*But I can't help how I feel about you. Your so kind and understanding not to mention we have kinship in some ways. I can't help but be drawn to your personality and to your beauty*Blushes shyly* Dose that sound strange?