Demetae: 5-6 | Ordovice: 3-4 | Dyfed: 1-2
Roll The Dice!
Decide Your Fate
Welcoem to the Kingdom of Ceredigion!
Here, you will roll the dice to see just which class of people you will be part of!
After you have chosen a class, you may choose to be a specific member.
Demetae: Nobel, Prince, Princess, Duke, Baron, Bishop
Ordovice: Knight, Squire, other member of the Royal Court
Dyfed: Blacksmith, Servant, Thief, etc.
*Demetae must choose from the categories shown above *
**If unsure about a position's class, ask an admin**
Demetae: 5-6 | Ordovice: 3-4 | Dyfed: 1-2