▫ 지하철

common transportation
Many koreans use the subway station as a means to get around just as much as the buses, taxies and cars. It's pretty simple but it gets crowded very quickly.

T 카드 - T-Card
표 - Ticket
역 - Station
출근 시간 - Rush Hour
기차 - Train
변태 -
기다리다 - To wait
붐비다 - To be Crowded
coded by rose-quartz
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BangingDae 7 years ago
I'm so sorry to join and not do anything then leave.
I just have literally no time to go through material
BangingDae 8 years ago
Kim Taehyung
V of BTS
babybirb 8 years ago
여러분 안녕~~~
이거 걍 보고 가기만 하면 우리 어쩔까요?? ㅠㅠ
한국어 점만도 배우고 싶다면 가입해주세여~!!
진짜 재밌을거예여...

((그러니까 빨리 와 보달라고요...ㅋㅋ))

Hello peeps! If you're all just passing by, what're we gonna do?? TT
If you have even the slight interest in learning KR, please join us!
It'll be fun frfr...

(( so hurry on over plsthank lol ))
EternalFire 8 years ago
Elizabeth Wheeland
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