Korean words and phrases
This site doesn't necissarily teach any grammar or sentence structre at all but it does provide just about any situation you could think of along with words and phrases to match. There are cute pics to help out as well and there are hundreds of cards to read. This site is good for intermediate level people that already know how to build most sentences, understand most grammar and just want to learn some more phrases and such.
Everyone is welcome to look at the website and explore. It's very interesting and has a card for just about everything including Sugar coating words and wedding dowries.
See it as a nice and easy insight to learning the culture of Korea.
*Every week, at random, a card or set of cards will be featured in a special room in this rp for everyone to look at and learn together.
Everyone is welcome to look at the website and explore. It's very interesting and has a card for just about everything including Sugar coating words and wedding dowries.
See it as a nice and easy insight to learning the culture of Korea.
*Every week, at random, a card or set of cards will be featured in a special room in this rp for everyone to look at and learn together.