↷ application room

To all those who want to be paired, please fill out the following application. To a yes or no question, please answer only yes or no unless specified otherwise.

Full Name
Orientation: If differs, please put a ual orientation and a romantic orientation, if not, just put Panual, Heteroual, etc.
Describe Yourself In A Relationship Using The Following Words. Clingy, Romantic, Affectionate, Distant, Talkative, Friendship Orientated
Using The Following Words, Put What You Want From A Relationships. Romance, Friendship/Companionship, Lots of /Intimacy, Attention, Affection, Space
Is the Timezone of Your Match Important? Yes or No, if yes, please put the limits of the timezone
Is the Age of Your Match Important? Yes or No, if yes, please put the limits of the age.
Timezone: GMT only

If you do not want to be matched, please do not put anything below.


kim taehyung ᵐ 7 years ago
Full Name: Kim Taehyung
Age: 21
Orientation: Homoual
Describe Yourself In A Relationship: Clingy, Affectionate, Romantic, Talkative
What you want from a relationship: Romance, Attention, Friendship, Intimacy
Is the Timezone of Your Match Important?: Nope!
Is the Age of Your Match Important?: No!
[sh] kim jongin ᵐ 7 years ago
name: kim jongin
age: 25 (changed the birth year from 1994 to 1992)
orientation: straight
describe myself in a relationship: romantic, distant, affectionate, talkative.
wanting from a relationship: romance, friendship/companionship, /intimacy, affection.
timezone important: no
age: yes. at max two years younger than me, but I tend to prefer older women.
timezone: gmt -8
[post deleted by owner]
song mino ᵐ 7 years ago
Name: song mino
Age: 23
Orientation: homoual
Describe yourself in a relationship: Romantic, loyal, passionate
What do you want from a relationship: Romance, Friendship, loyalty, love me for me..
Age: yes 21+
Timezone important: nope
My timezone: gmt-7
kim mingyu ᵐ 7 years ago
kim mingyu
romantic, affectionate, talkative
romance, friendship/companionship
timezone wise uh- not really
gmt 10+
kang haneul ᵐ 7 years ago
**is -8 gmt :'))
so many mistakes
park bongyoung ᵐ 7 years ago
Name: Park Bongyoung
Age: 25
Orientation: homoual/homoromantic
Describe yourself in a relationship: Romantic, affectionate
What do you want from a relationship: Romance, Friendship/Companionship
Age: yes - 22 and up
Timezone important: nope
My timezone: gmt-7/-8
[post deleted by owner]
hirai momo ᶠ 7 years ago
hirai momo
affectionate, talkative
companionship, romance, attention
chinen yuri ᵐ 7 years ago
Full name: Chinen Yuri
Age: 20
Orientation: Panual
Describe yourself: Romantic, affectionate
What you want from a relationship: Romance, friendship
Is the timezone important? No
Is the age important? No
Timezone: -3
kang haneul ᵐ 7 years ago
wait hollup gimme someone legal tho
kang haneul ᵐ 7 years ago
kang haneul
iforgot like 27???
straight ayoo
friendship orientated, talkative
attention, friendship, affection
nah m8
nah m8
kang seulgi ᶠ [A] 7 years ago
@ji hyeran ᶠ pft it's alright - i had to tag everyone you see
ji hyeran ᶠ 7 years ago
@kang seulgi ᶠ I don't know if I want to be paired again ;;; Since... you know... Ten ;;;
kang seulgi ᶠ [A] 7 years ago
@[sh] park kyungri ᶠ @kim jongin ᵐ @nam taehyun ᵐ @choi jinri ᶠ @song mino ᵐ @son naeun ᶠ @shin hyejin ᶠ @selena gomez ᶠ @park sooyeon ᶠ @park jinyoung ᵐ @park chanyeol ᵐ @park bongyoung ᵐ @lee jihoon ᵐ @kim taeyeon ᶠ @kim mingyu ᵐ @kim matthew ᵐ @kim jongdae ᵐ @kang haneul ᵐ @ji hyeran ᶠ @jeon wonwoo ᵐ @jeon somin ᶠ @jennie kim ᶠ @hirai momo ᶠ @chou tzuyu ᶠ @chittaphon leechaiyakul ᵐ @chinen yuri ᵐ @cheng xiao ᶠ hey friends
we need more straight guys or just guys or just ANY OF you to please put your application in this room so we can start pairing again
i may have do something bad if you don't
son naeun ᶠ 7 years ago
*is a straight woman looking for an older male*
kang seulgi ᶠ [A] 7 years ago
idk where you're getting that from but
son naeun ᶠ 7 years ago
kang seulgi ᶠ [A] 7 years ago
it's not up to you
it's up to whoever starts pairing next
son naeun ᶠ 7 years ago
kang seulgi ᶠ [A] 7 years ago
idk it's not up to me lmao
son naeun ᶠ 7 years ago
kang seulgi ᶠ [A] 7 years ago
i guess (?)
son naeun ᶠ 7 years ago
son naeun ᶠ 7 years ago
name: son naeun
age: idk like 23ish
orientation: straight af
me: clingy, romantic, affectionate, talkative
what i want: intimacy, romance, friendship, affection, space bcs too much person is suffocating
timezone important: nope
age important? older pls
timezone: gmt-8
son naeun ᶠ 7 years ago
kang seulgi ᶠ [A] 7 years ago
get with the program
son naeun ᶠ 7 years ago
lee jihoon ᵐ 7 years ago
Full Name: Lee Jihoon
Age: 20
Orientation: Homoual
Myself In a Relationship: Romantic, Affectionate, Distant (at times)
What I am Looking For: Romance, Attention, Affection, Friendship/Companionship
Timezone Importance: Not really but would definitely prefer if you're close to my timezone.
Age Importance. Nope.
Timezone: GMT +1
selena gomez ᶠ 8 years ago
Full Name: Selena Gomez
Age: 24 years
Orientation: Heteroromantic, Grey panual (basically it's on the borderline of being aual)
In a relationship: Distant (somewhat), friendship oriented, talkative
Want from a relationship: Friendship/companionship, Space, affection (only a little)
Timezone important?: Just as long as the gap isn't beyond like 6 hours, I'll be fine
Is age important?: Nope!
Timezone: GMT -8


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sunshinesmile 7 years ago
Leaving my Hyeran here I'm sorry ;;
oceani 7 years ago
momo left. thanks for having me.
-Tae-Tae- 7 years ago
Mino is leaving..
EUNOIAHTTP 7 years ago
hello, loves. somin would be leaving, thanks so much for accepting me and as an admin too
thanks for the fun times ^^
andalasia 7 years ago
hello, wonwoo has taken his leave! sorry for not being active, but thank you for having me and good luck with everything!
jeonha 7 years ago
jongin left, but thank you for having me here
difficultcheese 7 years ago
Bongyoung left
gossamer_ 7 years ago
Add and reserve Erin Lee for me please! Thanks a lot <3
shinyechan 7 years ago
is this rp not really active anymore? if it is still active though, could you a+r kim taehyung for me?
-hoe 7 years ago
haneul and naeun are dipping bcs life
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